Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 4 {Bryan Cranston}

I actually have been sleeping in the audio studio up on the 21st floor while Julian works and have had to be carried down to my floor and room. Super funny, super sweet. So far he's gotten Ludlow St., Out of the Blue, and Old Hollywood done but right now at the moment he's working on 4 Chords of the Apocalypse. Julian has such a wide range of music, he can go from rock to smooth blues. I love it.

Today we filmed Update obviously and something else that I wasn't in that I forget. But more importantly Nasim was knocked back down to "Featuring...". Lorne called her into his office directly after school and when she came out she was crying, I consoled her the best I could so hopefully she'll be okay but being on the show for 3 years and still being a feauturette really sucks. I personally think Abby and Nasim should switch places, not because Abby likes to be a homewrecker but because Nasim has a lot more characters and diversity than Abby. I mean the only character I know Abby is known for is Angelina Jolie and Meryl Streep! Ah well, life is life. 30 Rock and The Office were great tonight! I love Jack McBrayer on that show he's just amazing. The accent drives me crazy, and I was really surprised at Tina while watching the show she just seems so...fake, most of the characters do except for Alec and if Tina wasn't a good friend of mine it would seriously bother me. OY

Nasim finally got her head in the game today, after the bad news from Lorne she went to Paul for comfort when all he wanted was a nice smooch, she yelled at him and stormed off to (you guessed it) me. I feel like the mediator of this disgruntled family, I mean I'm always the one to console Fred about Kristen, Nasim about everyone, Abby about anything, Jason about everything, it's tough! And I can only turn toward Jules and I don't want to bug him with personal stuff like that...I'd rather just dump it all on Seth and walk away unscathed....well maybe not..

Tomorrow is SPIRIT DAY! At school so where your finest! Toodles