Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 1 {30 Rock}

Filming for 30 Rock today was a blast! I got to meet everyone on the crew and got a big re-hello from Alec, gotta love that man! My role on the show this week is to prep Kenneth on his audition back into the show/office. I have to be a ruthless wench who takes no prisoners and doesn't give a damn about feelings. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday they were all working on scenes I wasn't in and I watched those today with them in their conference room and the episode is looking great! Also, I got to meet Queen Latifa! She's a smack of fresh air and is hilarious. She said she loved my performances on SNL and my "duty as a citizen" in NYC. She's really political, which is funny because in the episode for this week she's really REALLY political. Very excited for the episode to be done. I'm not filming tomorrow but Wednesday I am. My first appearance in the episode is when Mizz Maroonie asks for Vagitrax (for her dry knees of course) and Kenneth explains that he's not back but he might be soon, to which she calls for my help in prepping him. Then after about 6 or 7 minutes we flash over to Kenneth and I. He's tap dancing for me and I ridicule him and don't even give him an A for effort. Then after another few minutes we flash over to Kenneth and I again, and I'm trying to "re-create him". Then after a lovely commercial break Kenneth comes to me saying that they rejected him to which I reply OBVIOUSLY THE BRIDE WAS WRONG, except with more fancy words then soon after I start to accident rant like I'm Lorne Michaels criticizing me (which he never did but he's really my only "parent" so to say) The rant's actually really funny here it is:

And where was your sparkle?! You emabarassed me in front of all the other directors! If you think you're going to Sizzler tonight Christina you got another thing coming! Oh you'll be practicing your steps in the garage until the school boat comes! If I hadn't seen you arm-in-arm with Seth Meyers I'd swear you weren't on my show! ... Oh my God... what just happened?
I think you just turned into-
Let me get there! ... I've turned into Lorne Michaels! ... and I turned you...into me! You're welcome but it was wrong!
Well, to make it up to-
Let me get there! To make it up to you, I'm going to get your job back or my name isn't Lorne Michaels! I-I mean Christina Essenelle!  

Then soon after that scene I go and find the auditioner and Alec and beg for Kenneth's job back which Alec forces the auditioner to give to him. Super exciting! More filming this week...wish me luck!