Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 4 {Emma Stone}

Today was so melancholic and depressing. Such an emotional rollercoaster. So today we filmed the Digital Short and Weekend Update (I talked about the digital short I was in, in the last post). Although since Julian was doing stuff with his band today he decided to send his dog Voltron to accompany me around school! Very humerous Jules...very cute....I'm glad I have someone like Jules who completely understands when I need him, and when I don't. Today for example

Lorne gets a call from the hospital saying the Will Forte is in the hospital from a terrible heart attack and that he probably won't live and we should say our goodbyes. Lorne told us and we all got into our cars and rushed over. He was unconscious and apparently in a coma. It was extremely depressing, people like Kristen, Bill, Seth, and Fred have known Will for many years and they were sobbing throughout the entire visit as well as at home. I was crying for most of it too for Will was the best. I didn't however say my goodbyes because I don't believe he's really gone. I know he'll make it...he's Will Forte he'll make it. I'll officially write a goodbye message if he doesn't pull through, but we all love him so dearly that I don't think he even CAN leave us. God's probably trying to take him but the love we're exerting at him is grounding him back here. I love Will. Please somebody save him...I don't want to cry anymore...