Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 5 {Alec Baldwin}

Woke up pretty early considering what time I went to bed, by the way last night Nick was over and Julian and I were messing around pretending he was an abusive boyfriend and Nick got really mad

Yeah that'd be funny but Julian doesn't like corn.
(pulling her to the side roughly) What the fuck do you think you're doing.
I'm sorry I just-
(pulling her ear to his lips) Don't fucking apologize. SHOW you're sorry.
Whoa, leave her alone! She was joking.
(snapping out of it, NICK comes over and takes his hand off her) What?
Who do you think you are? You can't talk to her like that!
I was joking, calm down.
Does it look like she's laughing?
Nick really, it's fine he was joking. I'm fine.
You sure?

Pretty funny schtuff. Then today was awesome, filmed 20th Anniversary at 10AM and then at 3PM we filmed Red Flag which is a commercial featuring me! It's a hilarious perfume commercial. Which is probably why Seth asked me to do it since Julian just did his male fragrance commercial. Oh here's a text conversation Julian and I had over the whole Nick thing, just in case you weren't 100% positive that we are fine:

1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:32PM <Nick texted me apologizing. Haha>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:35PM <When you're finished come to the studio I am here.>
*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Chrisina Essenelle AT 18:33PM <Hey hey hey, just finished I'm on my way. What'd Nick say?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:41PM <He just said that he shouldn't have intervened and that everything was cool. He wants to go to a coffee shop Sunday and watch some band play, down?>

*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Christina Essenelle AT 18:42PM <Yeah sure, I've got homework but I'll bring it I guess.>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:43PM <You sound so stoked.> 
*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Chrstina Essenelle AT 18:45PM <I'm a fuckin' ball of energy today.>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:46PM <Good, I need some enthusiasm. This song sounds fuckin rad, but only for some parts.>
*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Christina Essenelle AT 18:37PM <I'll help, open up the gate. I'll see you in a sec.>