Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ben Stiller hosts SNL

Mexico is the greatest! Another country to put on my list of places I've been to. It's actually very beautiful here, very sunny compared to New York. The water is SO DAMN BLUE. Compared to the Hudson. Which is as clean as a prostitutes vagina...yeah I went there. By the way yes, Nick has broken his foot and is still playing at Banamex. My hero. Sadly I had to leave Mexico early for SNL but I still got to see The Strokes play, and I still got to see MEXICOOO! Oh, by the way I was intrigued by this interview in InTouch, I skipped the questions about his movie and got to why I'm intrigued:

Q: Now off of Christina Essenelle's blog we see that you and she spent the entire day together under different aliases?
A: Yeah it was hilarious. I was Luke and she was Stephanie. We spent the entire day not knowing who we were and it just goes to show what a genuine person she is. 
Q: You didn't have any clue as to who she was?
A: I had my ideas. I thought she was Miley Cyrus at first to be honest. They sort of look-alike if you've got a hat and sunglasses on.
Q: Did you get to meet her boyfriend Julian?
A: I did. I was in Christina's room watching something on her computer with her and he came in and he needed to talk to her.
Q: How come in a separate interview with Andy Samberg he said, and I quote "Julian is entirely too overbearing, he needs to know where she is at all times and why she's there. He's practically her dad." ?
A: I dunno. I've only known her for a few days, she seems fine with anything he does to her.
Q: You say that in a negative way, do he do unfavorable things to her?
A: It's her life, let her do what she wants. I'm just her friend. If she doesn't like something he does then she should get help.
Q: Does he do things she doesn't want?
A: I don't know what she wants.

Ryan's a good interviewer.

Here's the line-up for tonight!

Mitt Romney Cold Open 
Fox News
Lincoln Financial 

Digital Short

Lincoln Financial 


Lincoln Financial
Bruce Springsteen
Tiny Balls 

End Clap

SHOW WAS AMAZING! Update was absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. The audience went nuts for the Zoolander bit, as did we, which is why I didn't want to say anything about it. After party was great as usual, Ryan Gosling was there! We had a few drinks and walked around NBC talking about absolutely random things. I love that guy.