Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 1 {Ben Stiller}

Today was a lot of fun, I went to school and had fun, then had rehearsal on Broadway (my first!). It was just a schedule change so I really didn't get to rehearse. But I definitely am on Thursday and Friday and next week as well. Julian got really mad at me yesterday. He was frustrated that I would just go walking with a stranger into the woods with no form of weapon. I know he's only mad because he cares about me but it's still annoying to have to tip-toe around someone. I guess it was pretty silly of me to do such an irrational and crazed thing, but I really was just going with my gut. Should I have got into the car, probably not, but that's how fate works right? You do things you think'll be right, and if it blows up in your face, well, God hates you.

After rehearsal the lovely Ryan Gosling stopped by with his schnazzy rental-car and we went to my secret hiding spot again. He wanted to torch a spider's next because it was too close to my spot and so he felt it necessary to kill them. We got a stick, put his sock on it, set the sock on fire, then shoved it in the nest. I've never done something so absolutely gross in my life. After that I had work so he went home for a bit and came back at 7PM and we played with my computer. It was fun! I'm starting to love Ryan Gosling. What a darling. Although I have another Ryan G on here so...let's say there's Strokes Ryan and then just Ryan.
