Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 3 {Anna Faris}

J Pop American Fun Time Now!

Such a ridiculously funny scene I'm doing with Taran. I love it, and Anna Faris? Oh God she's amazing. So damn funny and willing try to anything, she reminds me a lot of Kristen, just willing to put herself out there.

I've had quite the crazy day today in case any of you watched CBS. It started off with me missing my alarm by an hour (sorry 1st class of the day) then I went through my day as normal, then after school Jules was sitting in my beautiful red car and I said hello and he gives me the silent treatment. He's been doing this since our shower yesterday. I had no idea why and it was really bothering me. I told him, if there's a problem he should vocalize it so I can fix it, but no I had to play some mind-game with him to figure out what the hell was going on. So, I called Noel cause I wasn't going to sit in silence on the way home. He said he's getting an apartment in NYC next week! WOO! Then after that I went upstairs, talked to Nasim about Jules trying to see what she had to say and I asked her to talk to him and see if he responds to her. He did. So it was just me and not some don't-speak holiday. Ugh, so I left NBC and asked to hang out with Ryan (Gosling) because I didn't want to be around NBC. So we hung out for a bit and then he took me SECRETLY to CBS for an interview I was WILLING to give. It was a great interview, I really did enjoy myself. After that Ryan and I went and got dinner then we saw a live comedy show! It was great, I love improv. Then I got back around 10:30PM and prepared my conscious for Julian if he was still not talking to me.

He was still not talking to me.

I kept asking him to talk to me and he wouldn't say anything but instead he leaned in for a kiss, so I pushed him off. Saying that I didn't want to kiss someone who wouldn't communicate with me. So he stopped and sat on the bed. I sat down next to him and broke down and he finally confessed what was wrong, TIAL which was something that had to do with me saying something that reminded him of a horrible event in his past. I'm glad we got past this, because I don't know what I would do without Jules. However the way he went about teaching me this lesson was kinda weird. Ah well, to each his own, we all learn differently.