Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 4 {Ben Stiller}

Today we filmed Lincoln Financial and Update for the live Update studio audience. We sometimes do that, and if we do it means that we're testing some really fucked up jokes. I'm in Update this week! Very exciting, and it's a new character as well. I think that's what we were testing because the character is really awkward and...yeah I don't want to give it away. It's date night! Jules, Nikolai, Illy, and I went to Smith & Wollensky and it was a lot of fun. Nikolai and Illy are just TOO DAMN CUTE AHHH. Have babies, lots of babies.

I've been a bit caught up with school madness so I apologize for yesterdays post. I've been testing like a madman.

BEN STILLER. AH. I'm really happy to get to work with Ben Stiller because last year I met him at this party and I had to give him his jacket back (filled with McDonalds receipts and toothpicks). I didn't get to work with him today, but tomorrow I am, and I'm excited.