Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 1 {Melissa McCarthy}

Today they filmed Hidden Valley Ranch and TCM. To be honest, having the same sketch 2 weeks in a row is kind of weird. We did TCM last week, ah well. I'm not one to get mad over things. OH MY GOSH LET ME DIVULGE INTO THE AWESOMENESS THAT IS HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH (the scene). I met Melissa today because I had heard Seth talking about the scene to a bunch of other writers and they were laughing their heads off about it so I thought I HAD to go see it now. Melissa is maybe the funniest person I've met in my life. She's...oh gosh I can't explain it. She's so okay with who she is and she embraces that like crazy. She's so confident and I'm really glad I met her and I hope we become good friends because she is just too much fun. I'm jealous that she and Kristen and such good friends. BUT, let me get back into the scene.

So, Hidden Valley Ranch is a taste testing scene with Melissa as the psychotic lover of Hidden Valley Ranch, Taran is the great commentator on the flavor and tastes and Bobby is the manager of the affairs. But wait, Abby is in the scene too right? YES. And in the funniest way possible. She plays this regular person who tries to call Melissa out on a lot of things and Melissa just HATES her. One of her lines to Abby is

Will you just shut-up? Everyone hates you! You're ruining it for the rest of us!

This scene is pure brilliance. Apparently Abby and Melissa aren't friends, why I'm not sure. Abby's fault no doubt.

So Jules and I grilled d'em sandwichs but in FRANCE. I can't explain my love for him. He's too amazing. Saw Drive.




I forgot to put this picture of Niko from when the Strokes played at Coachella.