Monday, August 22, 2011

My Florida Expedition Entry #5

AUG 19th
Went to MGM (Hollwood Studios) today! Woke up to Jules playing a song for me. Probably b/c last night was so adorable. I called for room service previously and got Jules and my usual. Then we got to MGM @ 9AM nad went on (throughout the day) ToyStory, Tower of Terror (X2) Rock n' Roller Coaster, Star Tours, Muppets, Back lot Tour, Beauty + the Beast, History of Mickey, Indiana Jones, etc. etc. etc. On star tours they get a person from the audience to be the "rebel spy" and it was Julian! haha, I am ANGRY @ Rock n' Roller Coaster NO STROKES MEMORABILIA?!? Shame on YOU Toy Story was awesome!!! I still beat Jules 106,000-99,000 Mwahahaha. I tried to be an extra in Indiana Jones thing but I was not picked...ah well. Okay so the people @ Tower of Terror are DEVILISHLY FLIRTASIOUS. There was Chris @ the elevator entrance and Michael @ the gift shop and Dillon ! the opposite elevator entrance. They were really funny though, made Jules all insecure though. I started to pour again @7PM but stopped for FANTASMIC!

which was fantastic
                                                                                     Jules kissed me every hour on the hour today.
Why am I writing like this?
                                                                                                          Who knows
I love Disney
                                                           Christina Essenelle*