Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 28 {The Mighty Boosh}

The Mighty Boooooooooooooooosssssssshhhhhh! I love their theme song so much...or should I see...our theme song? AH CRAZINESS! Can I take a moment to comment on the fact that Noel is not hairless? It's sort of creepy. Since Noel wasn't needed for filming today he didn't shave...it was madness. Today's schedule was a little weird because we didn't really do any filming today. We did a bunch more close-ups for scenes 2 and 6 (both which take place in my room) and then Julian had a whole individual dance lesson because he is the lead in that thing and so Noel was with him for that (Noel being the victim) but no one (aside from Julian and I) were filmed.

Also! Today when we would've been on our second take at filming the second scene for the day we (Noel, Julian and I) got to leave and go talk about the Boosh on the radio with Marcus Lacey! Very, VERY exciting. Here's the interview! It wasn't a usual interview where they delve into your random rumors but instead just got to know us better. It was really cool. It was such a tiring day that I went home right after work and just went straight to sleep.

First record you ever bought
Noel Fielding: It was Motörhead and it was an album called Bomber. I was quite a weird kid.
Julian Barratt: Gary Newman, my idol.
Christina Essenelle: Never bought a record.
NF: No!
JB: You baby!
CE: I know I'm the worst.

Last time you were phoned
NF: Probably last night.
JB: Early today. Me mum phoned me to ask about my health. I kid you not.
CE: Noel, you called me earlier today!
NF: He asked when I was phoned, stupid.
CE: Bitch. 

Last lie you told
CE: That last question. Noel isn't a bitch he's a good guy.
JB: Hm...today.
NF: Probably last night as well. I lie every day.

First movie you ever went on a date to
JB: I saw E.T. with a girl who had never seen it before. She got scared of the alien and clung onto me. It was rather adorable.
NF: I went to see Greystoke – that Tarzan remake – with a girl. It had Christopher Lambert in it. It was one of those dates where you have an ice cream and you watch a film and you hold hands. It was quite innocent.
CE: God I am too young for these questions, Wild Hogs.
NF: Oh GOD. You depress me.

Last time you cried
JB: I was makin' stew for me kids and the onions just got to me. 
NF: About two nights ago, a friend of mine was playing some Johnny Cash because she had to learn the words to ‘Hurt’ for some performance piece, so she kept playing it over and over and we were absolutely traumatised by it.
CE: Had a horrible nightmare and woke up in tears.

First thing you do when you’ve got time off work
NF: Sleep. Then party.
JB: Go home and eat.
CE: Sleep. Then party.

Last great meal you cooked
JB: That stew! I was proud of my creation.NF: I cooked quite a good chilli once, about ten years ago. That’s it. I’m fucking hopeless.
CE: Oh come off it you made me toast this morning. It was brilliant.
NF: Haha, okay.
CE: Oh me, um I cooked a really nice pasta back in the States before I left for Europe.

Last extravagant purchase you made
NF: I bought two sculptures of two baboons called Lord and Lady Muck on an antique piece of furniture from an art exhibition and it was quite expensive. It was very expensive actually – way too expensive. But I was pissed.
JB: I bought two cheeseburgers at McDonalds. 
CE: I bought three cheeseburgers at McDonalds. 

First crush
CE: I had the biggest crush on Brendan Fraiser from The Mummy.
JB: Molly Ringwald from the Brat Pack. She just was divine.
NF: I quite fancied Danni in Neighbours – this blonde woman, but I don’t know her name. Steffi Graf as well.

Last book you read
JB: I started reading 'It' by Stephen King and it just absolutely chilling. I really am enjoying it, even though I can only read it during the day.
NF: A Boosh fan bought me an original copy of The Jungle Book, like the first print from 1894, so I’ve just started re-reading that and am really enjoying it. But the last book I read in its entirety was Willard and his Bowling Trophies by Richard Brautigan, which is amazing.
CE: I got The Awakening for my birthday from Vanessa Bayer and I finished that recently. Pretty great.

Last time you were star struck
CE: No joke, when I met Rich Fulcher I was just so star struck.
JB: When I met Christina! I was so nervous I didn't know what to do or what to say so fortunately she lead THAT conversation. Which Noel interrupted.
CE: Way to go Noel. 
NF: Haha sorry mate. I actually went to Wimbledon and David Attenborough was sat in the row in front of me and I thought that was quite amazing. That’s insane, isn’t it? He’s like a proper person.

First thing you’d do if you ran the country
JB: Force every day to be a holiday. That way no one would have work and we'd just party all day and night with or without our families.
CE: Which country? England? I wouldn't do much, I mean she's a figure head right? If it were America I'd fix up that tax mess and then I'd make fake money for China so they'd get off our backs.
NF: Make the weekend a day longer. Give everyone Monday off as well.

Last meal on earth – what would it be?
NF: I’d like fish fingers, beans and maybe a glass of milk. In a dish that’s got separate sections like children have, with a plastic bib. 
CE: Hot dogs, shrimp, and cream soda. I believe the world can be run just off of cream soda. It's like love being poured down your gullet. 
JB: Lasagna, mashed potatoes, and a glass of really expensive wine.

First song you’ll sing at karaoke
JB: 'One' by Metallica. I feel like it'd be simple considering half of the song is screaming and guitar.
NF: ‘Hopelessly Devoted’ by Olivia Newton-John
CE: 'Roxanne' but the Moulin Rouge version. I can belt like a beast.

Last time you exploited your position to get something
NF: I do it subconsciously. If we come up to a club or something, or a guestlist queue sometimes I hover about getting my face out and looking impatient and they often say, ‘Oh Noel, he’s alright. He can come in.’
CE: I accidentally forgot my wallet at home once when getting dinner with my friend Nasim Pedrad and they recognized me and said that for an autograph and picture I could have the meal for free. I felt so bad yet I had so pay some how.
JB: Yeah, getting into clubs is easier when you're making yourself secretly seem awesome.

First time you realised you were famous
CE: I'm not.
JB: Bollocks. 
CE: I kid you not, I'm not being modest. I'm on 2 TV shows and that's it, I'm not famous.
NF: Don't listen to her, she knew when she hit 1 million views on her blog. But for me maybe at the O2 Arena, with 12,000 people. Julian and me were like, ‘What the fuck’s going on, there’s been a mistake.’ When we first came out the applause went on for five minutes and we were like, ‘There’s been some sort of admin error.’ I don’t think you should ever think you’re famous – that’s the beginning of the end.
JB: Me? Oh no I'm not actually famous.
CE: You slag.

Last time someone criticised your work
NF: I saw a review for Bunny and the Bull, which Julian and I are in, and they were saying we were good in the film, but they were being critical at the same time, and they said, ‘and it’s a good thing too because after a disappointing third series [of The Mighty Boosh] …’ And I thought, ‘How fucking dare you! The third series isn’t a disappointment; it’s got some classics in it!’ You just never get over criticism – you never get any better at taking it.
JB: I read that! That was harsh, but the last time I read bad reviews was when someone called me up on me cell and said that our tour was terrible. Wasn't exactly professional advice but it was still criticism.
CE: Today I made a grilled cheese sandwhich and Noel looked at it and said it was pitiful. 

First three words your friends would use to describe you
CE: Sarcastic, obsessive, promiscuous.
JB: Random, sheltered, and hypothetical.
NF: Vain, ridiculous and abstract.

Last time you bought someone flowers
JB: My girlfriend for valentines day.
NF: My Mum, for her birthday about a year ago.
CE: Seth Meyers a day after my birthday party.

First thing you think of when you wake up in the morning
NF: Often jokes or ideas. I always have a pad and a pen near the bed because sometimes when you just wake up you have your best ideas.
JB: Why the hell am I awake.
CE: Is this real life or fantasy?

Last thing you think of before you go to sleep
CE: I always have a little story playing in my head of what I would love to happen in real life. Mostly porn.
NF: I always have music on before I go to bed, so whatever imagery is conjured up by whatever I’m listening to.
JB: Sex. Sex with lots of anonymous women.