Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 27 {The Mighty Boosh}

Happy Monday, Noel and I are BFFs again. As I would've assumed. He actually apologized to me at dinner saying he didn't want any animosity between the three of us and especially between he and I. Oh Noel. I had horrible dreams, dreams of evil things attacking me. Not so good. Back to filming today! We filmed scene 4 for the beginning part of the day and get this: I AM AN EXTRA FOR THE SONG IN THE EPISODE! I play a gorilla. Aw yeah. So for the second half of the day I got to learn the dance for scene 7's song. It's pretty complicated because it involves a lot of us on wire because he wants us to be sort of flying around the room. I get to smear blood on the wall though so I'm excited about that.

Blood. Mwahaha. I've been helping a lot with the set designers just with some fun crafty stuff. For example I got to help make some gorilla/bear suits. Very fun paper mache action. I hung out with Julian after work today. We went out to get a drink and then we ended up at Dave's house because he was having a party and Noel and Mike were there. It got weird. I was getting really tired at around 10:30PM for some reason and so I asked Dave if I could take a cat nap in his bed and he said sure, but then he followed me in the room and was REALLY hitting on me at that point and then Noel walked in casually and sat on the bed and Dave tried to lean in and kiss me and I laughed it off and Noel basically threw Dave off of me and said that he "over-stepped his boundaries".

I hope you know Jules that there is someone here with your best interest at heart as well.

Because I love you. More than anything.

Picture of the day is creepishly accurate.