Alright now it's all Boosh all the time. However my computer is getting sick sadly. So I may have to revert back to my pen and paper...or QUILL and PARCHMENT I should say. Yesterday they started filming episode 5 and finished scene 1 then today we filmed scenes 3, 4, and 5. They're very short scenes but Paul was insistent on us doing 45 takes on them, all different. The scenes are also little flirty scenes between Noel and me so I had a lot of different things I could do. After filming the first scene perfectly we went straight on to doing the second scene and that didn't go as well in the beginning because as we were getting our hair/make-up done Julian blurted out that while I was gone he had been snogging this 16 year old girl. Um, ew? That really disturbed me because I thought Noel had a little bit more class than a 16 year old. That's just gross to me, and I know that sounds so hypocritical because there is such an age gap between Julian (my boyfriend) and me but between Noel and her? That's 22 years. Julian (my boyfriend) and me? 12 years.
Big mother fucking difference.
Just got back from a party with Noel and Julian. It was kinda intense. It was one of Noel's "I'm gonna dress up and if you don't do it with me you'll look like a retard" kind of parties so the three of us dressed up. It was crazy, if you weren't drunk it wasn't fun, and I was was fun.