Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 25 {Summer Tour}

Day 8: How you got into the Strokes: dating Jules. (this picture is from a while ago but I figure I'd put something here since most of the Strokes challenge has pictures)

I am in TOYKO! I got off the plane at around 12AM (Tokyo time, 4PMish my time) and the customs guy was talking to me for a bit and it was funny, he was saying how much he liked SNL and then he repeated a few lines I've said on the show but it was hard to be fully embedded in the conversation because right behind him I saw Julian (remember summer tour Julian is my boyfriend) smiling up at me. He knew the pain of wanting to leave a fan when you want to stay and thank them so much for basically making you famous. I don't consider myself famous but I am popular. To be honest I was surprised someone knew of me in Japan! Actually the paparazzi is ridiculous in Japan. Lots of people with cameras and it's kind of insane. Especially when I passed the customs guy and got to Jules. Julian is the best at giving hugs, he has such a tight embrace and it gave me this butterfly-in-stomach/nostalgic feeling. It was comforting to be in his embrace. He's literally the best thing that's ever happened to me, never doubt my love for him. I was reading a psychology magazine and it says that a crush/relationship that lasts more than 4 months is love. Because mentally you shouldn't be on something for over 4 months. That's why they say if you like a job for more than 4 months it's the job for you. By the way, I just checked, Julian and I have been dating for 11 months. That's insanity. I've never dated someone for nearly a year...ahh!

Albert, Fab, Julian and I went biking through Tokyo today! It was actually a lot better than I expected. Ryan, Nick, and Nikolai went somewhere else. Wish I could be of more help but I don't remember what Nick said as I was running out of the hotel. By the way our hotel is gorgeous. Just saying. I had such an amazing day today and it made me realize how beautiful everything is. NO I'm not high, everything is just going my way today. At around 8:30PM Jules, Nick, and I went ice skating. It was a lot of fun, and it was a lot of weird Japanese DDR music, but I liked it. I don't know if I mentioned this but I'm a pretty good ice skater, me and Nick used to skate at the Rockefellar center and I've skated with Seth and Jimmy before. I love skating, Julian has gotten really good at it too, he can't do any tricks or anything but he can skate around. Nick was definitely the worst. There came a point where Jules' would just hold his hands behind his back and drag Nick across the rink. I was well jealous.

The picture of the day explains my life.

It explains the night we had.
It explains his subtle sexiness.
It explains why I love waking up in the morning.
It explains his love for accessories.
It explains why I'm always late for school.
It explains what I looked like when I took the picture.
It explains why we got new sheets...and pillows...and
It explains why I love him.

I love you Julian Casablancas.

You make my world just a little brighter.