Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Joys of Having a Kindle

This is going to be impossible but I do have a Amazon Kindle and I love writing on here however it is very difficult. We are on location for these next few scenes. Which is very new because we almost never shoot on location. We are at Lake Ilumtiln staying at the Lake Ilumtiln Resort and Spa and we are staying here until monday. It was only a 2 hour drive here, and it is so breath takingly beautiful here. The resort is right on the lake and the great thing is that from London Reading is a few hours away but from Lake Ilumtiln it's only a short drive away. yeah don't think I would not see The Strokes I already miss them a ton. To get Noel in the pumped for the concert Iv'e had The Strokes on blast all day, except when we are filming of course. We finihed scene 2 early hence why we went location scouting for scenes 7-12. I actually don'have the schedule for filming (aka which scenes are which number) so I'm doing a bit of guesswork on this one. However I' pretty positive it's 7-12.  The rooming is a bit awkward and cramped, a double bedded room for Julian, Rich, Noel, and myself. Then Dave and Mike are sharing a king size bed and they have Paul and Jeff (producer) with them and a lot of the crew is cramped in another room. HOWEVER we do have a hair stylist on our couch so I'l be looking good this weekend. hehe. Okay time for filming more. Wish me luck!