Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vanilla Sun

I just re-watcehd that Tosh.0 episode today. So freakin' funny, I bet Tay Zonday really hates him because of all the negative publicity he gives. Ah well that's showbiz!

This morning was such a lazy wake-up I loved it. I woke up at 10AM with Jules still wrapped around me and I made breakfast for us (cereal for the win!), called him to breakfast (again LAZY wake up...hehe), chilled in my room for the next 4 hours (watched TV, made-out on the couch, played video games, made-out on the couch) then at around...3PM I promised Seth I would spend 90% of my day with him, and that's what I did. We went out to get coffee and catch up and then we went back to NBC and watched Paul with Jimmy and Tina. Oh my lord that is the funniest freakin' movie I have ever seen, okay maybe not ever but it's really funny!! Kristen and Bill...man are they a duo. I'm surprised THEY'RE not married. Considering they're getting divorced. JOKING, Fred and Kristen are fine, Naism and Paul aren't though. I'm pretty sure they're about to break up because of stupid Nasim reasons. Ask her all about it please. I'd rather not be the bearer of bad news. But they never prosper if that helps.

God I hate Hippocrates.