Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Okay yesterday's post of psychotic dreams ain't got NOTHING on last night's psychotic dreams. I had a dream that I was part of Hitler's regime and I was trying to escape. So. Freakin'. Weird.

Last night I went to a dinner party and  Ryan Phillippe was there! I met him once at a party but I didn't really get to talk to him and last night I really got to talk to him and it was really cool, he's a really cool guy. Very funny. Speaking of funny, I was just watching Cruel Intentions and it's so funny that I see Ryan Phillippe last night! I love that guy. Maybe I'll hang out with him for my birthday, if he's here that is.

Happy Father's Day everyone! I don't have a father so I'm just chilling today. Julian doesn't consider his actual father John Casablancas as his real dad because John never provided Julian with anything. So today he called his step dad up and talked to him for a bit. Today's been pretty solemn for me. I get asked all the time what would I do if I met my parents...and I don't know what I'd do. I do and I don't want to meet them. I do want to see what they're like, why they gave me up, and what they look like but I don't want to continue a relationship with them. 1) They never loved me. 2) I've accomplished more than I ever would've if they kept me. 3) I've learned more on my own than I would've with a family. 4) They're just going to take all my earnings. I'm sorry wherever you are but you ruined the first 16-21 years of my life, so excuse me for not wanting to be with you forever.

Jorma and Kiv  had party tonight and my God...was it crazy. Dave Grohl was there! He's also known as Julian's idol, and lead singer of the Foo Fighters...yeah that too. But seriously Julian looks up to him so much so when we got invited to Jorma and Kiv's party and we heard that he was going to be there...Jules had a field day with that one. He's a really cool guy! He's super chill and relaxed and liked Julian's tattoos. I took a picture of the both of them (after Julian begged me to, I swear he's like a little fan girl with him around) and so that's the picture of the day. I think this is the youngest, freshest, most adorable picture I have of Julian. So far. Dave didn't stay the whole time though he had to leave, which was unfortunate. Ah well, another day Dave Grohl.