Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 6 (Summer Tour}

Only once I have spent 6 days writing on the same topic and that was when I went to California! I just noticed that I have completely missed out on Bill Hader's birthday. I feel like the biggest bitch in the world. So I just called him and wished him a Happy Birthday and of course sarcastically he pretended to hate me (which is completely opposite to Liza's hatred of me). Ah well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL!! So anyways, today was very righteous. We are still filming for "Taken for a Fool" and still will be tomorrow, but since The Strokes were doing their thang, Ryan and I were sitting bored and I found out that Ryan and his 2 year girlfriend had just broken up. That's really quite sad, cause Ryan's so sweet and kind. I meet Lacy once at a dinner with all the Strokes and she seemed nice so I don't know what happened but he did start crying and I felt really bad. So I told him some reassuring things and he seemed to get better. But nothing cheered him up more than the cake Nikolai bought him that said "Fuck that bitch and buy a hooker" on it. Nikolai just has a way with words.

We filmed until the late hours into the night. Now you must be thinking to yourself, wow, either the Strokes are terrible actors or they're not filming that entire time! You're both right! The Strokes can't act to save their lives, ever watched Juicebox? That took two weeks to film! TWO WEEKS. We're hoping to get this done by tomorrow! It's just that they think it's stupid to have a music video that isn't just them playing the music. Also, we're rewriting scripts, fixing sets, getting costumes, doing hair and make-up, prepping people on work, taking forced breaks, and practicing our asses off for those many many hours. Julian can't even believe I did that at least 3 times a week every week. It brings home the bacon. Picture of the day is when we were waiting around for the set to dry (yes there is paint involved) and so we all played Jenga. T'was quite epic.