Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 5 {Summer Tour}

As you can see from Julian's twitter, yes, The Strokes are filming their 'Taken for a Fool' video in Tennessee. I wish I could leak some juicy news about it but I really can't, I think Ryan would kill me. I can only post the photos that Nikolai and Julian have posted on their twitters.

As you probably have also heard Richard Priest is also no longer The Strokes' tour manager which is pretty insane considering he left just before they went on tour! So we're flying blind on this one, should go well...Conan has been so very hospitable. Liza (his wife) has just been the biggest sweetheart and absolutely just hates me. Ha, I'm not joking. She 100% hates me. As I'm typing this as she reads it behind my back she wants me to change it and is now mad that I'm writing exactly what is happening. "Change that! People are going to think I actually hate you!" That's what she just said. Now she's still mad at me. See? She hates me. Folks would I lie to you?

Today was pretty cool. I've realized that I haven't really been hanging out with Nick that much, and Nick and I used to be the BEST of friends and now I feel like that's changed and I don't want it to. So Nick and I hung out by ourselves the entire day. We started off our day at 11:30AM and walked around Manchester, I sighed a guy's hat and took a few pictures with people, Nick as well, then we ate some food and went to the movies to go watch Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Okay here's my views on that sucker, the whole relationship between the Christian and the Mermaid was so fucking cheesy that it hurt. I didn't like the stupid cliche-ness and I especially didn't like that it's name was Cerena just because he wanted it to be. Their whole relationship was suppose to be of him actually giving her the time of day and viewing her as a person not something that would further his goal, and then he gives her her name? DA FUCK? Ugh, did not like that. But then there was the BEGINNING relationship between Captain Jack Sparrow and Penelope Cruz (I will not refer to anything else only because I don't remember her character name, and YES I realize I just saw the movie today) was pretty awesome. I liked the whole are-we-going-to-fuck thing on the deck of Black Beard's ship, however I didn't like the Black Beard had a black beard, I feel like that would've been such a funny thing to play off of if he didn't even have a beard. Ah well, who am I a writer? Maybe someday. Then there was the whole Barbosa thing which just did NOT have to be there. Don't get me wrong I love Jeffrey Rush, but I can bet you ANYTHING they only put him in the movie because of "The King's Speech". Which is pretty lame because you should be in movies because you further the plot, not because your famous. Right "Valentine's Day" ? GOSH.

Then after we went and watched someone make glass (which was the coolest thing EVER) and I gots me a glass necklace of masquerade mask. I'm wearing it along with the necklace Julian got me because I don't think I'll ever take that sucker off. Unless it's shower time of course. Ha, you just imagined me naked. What? You already were? This is awkward now. Goodnight!