Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 8 {Summer Tour}

We went horse back riding today with Conan! It was single-handedly the coolest thing I've done in Tennessee so far. Nikolai and Albert didn't go though. Whatever THEIR LOSS. We went on a 5 mile trail through the countryside and my was he awesome. Or she. Not positive on that fucker. Yeah I cursed so what, and to you CALIFORNIANS who think it's CUSSED YOU CAN ALL DIE in proper speech classes. Gosh. horse's name was Derby and we RODE TO VICTORY! Julian had Mustache (which is ironic because he will never be able to have one), Fab had Carmel, Nick had (I KID YOU NOT) Robin (A.K.A. A BIRD), Ryan had Lemon Tweed (yeah I dunno), and Conan had Whiskey. His horse's name was Whiskey. He was also drunk.

So Derby did not like Mustache whatsoever. In fact whenever Jules would ride in front of me Derby would try to bite Mustache on the ass. Who knows they could be secret lovers and that's just their thing. I'm not one to judge. Anyways, as we were riding we came across this open flat of land so Julian trotted Mustache over and to say hi to me but at the exact same time he cut Derby off and that made Derby MAD. Apparently this had happened before because our guide came trotting over but Derby and Mustache were already off. They were racing each other and I mean RACING. There are stages for horse back riding, first being walking, second being trotting, and third being cantering which we couldn't do because we needed some kind of PERMIT for it. So here go Derby and Mustache cantering at full speed down this barren patch of land meanwhile the guide is cantering along next to us screaming SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS. PULL BACK ON THE REIGNS, KICK IT'S SIDES! Meanwhile I'm just trying to hold on for dear LIFE rather than kick the horse holding me up! Yes BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE ANIMAL WHO HAS CARRIED YOUR SORRY ASS FOR FIVE MILES. Sorry guide, not happening. Eventually Dirt Doug (yes, that was our guide's name) grabbed my reigns and stopped Derby and Mustache stopped as well. Immediately Julian and I jumped off our horses, ran 20 feet away from the beasts, and feel to the ground on each other exhausted.

Tonight we went to this really cool fancy dinner to celebrate one of the band's friend's achievement in the entertainment business. It was at this very fancy hotel and so Jules was in full tuxedo. Very fancy indeed. There was a slow-song and Jules and I danced it up and it was...ah, it was amazing. I love dancing with him he's just so amazing. At everything. He looks so freakin' good in a tux too...ahh I so would. Oh wait.

Why the 22nd? Why pick the 22nd as my birthday? Well folks that's because I am one symbolic bitch. Not really, I've just been given so many second chances in my life that I felt like my birthday should symbolize that too. Aw yeah, being deep n' stuff.