Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fall into the Abyss of Water

Julian and I filmed our own little Digital Short, it's verbatim the beginning of Pirates of the Carribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl with Elizabeth falling into the water and stuff. It's actually really epic because we slowed it down a lot and filmed it on the SNL cameras. I don't think we'll publicize it though. It's just for fun. 

You'll no longer be seeing me on the sidewalks of New York City...that's right folks CHRISTINA ESSENELLE HAS HER DRIVER'S LICENSE. It's about time too. It was funny, as we (Jules and I) were in his car going there he was asking me if I thought I was going to get my license and I said no. Even though I have driven a car and I have been taught how to drive one I just felt like something would've gone wrong and it would've prolonged my having a drivers license. Thank God somebody likes me down at the DMV.

It's been pretty mellow here at NBC, everyone has left for the summer and so I'm just chilling here until the Strokes and I leave for Norway (SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT BY THE WAY) so I'm wondering what Seth is doing...about you know what. Picture of the day was taken before we went out to dinner with Nick, Nikolai (and his lady friend Illy), Kimya Dawson (Fab's cousin/she went with us on the euro tour/in the moldy peaches), and Jules and I. I like how Nikolai is bringing this girl...I've never met her but he said he's known her for about 2 months and thinks she's the shit. And for Nikolai to think a girl is the shit...well that is just crazy talk. Even when Nikolai met me he didn't really like me, heck, I STILL don't think he likes me. Nah that's not true we're friends, but it took some serious effort on my part. See...Jules wanted to be my friend so he was easy, Fab is a social butterfly as is Albert, Nick always wanted to be my friend and Nikolai was just....I dunno Nikolai just never really warmed up to me. I think it's because I was introduced as Julian's girlfriend instead of being just a girl. Probably had a different effect on everyone. But, this isn't about me, it's about Illy. So THAT'S AWESOME FOR YOU.

I'm definitely jealous.