Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 51 {The Mighty Boosh}

I had to leave our romantic night out early because I had to be in London by the morning. So I got to work today at 8AM (bright and early) and we filmed the most exhausting scene I've ever filmed in my life. It was the combination of 3 scenes and we did it all in one take and I literally cried at the end. The scene involved me being afraid of all different things (some that I'm actually afraid of) and then I had the get confidence and have it be cut down, etc. etc. Oh it's madness, but I did it. Noel had to redo some bits but I actually got it all done on the second take. First take was a cheap shot though because I wasn't sure of something but I didn't ask my question before they yelled ACTION. SO, technically it was my first take.

The really cool thing was that after I had filmed my one take and woke up from passing out from exhaustion everyone was applauding me and telling me I did a great job. Then Paul introduced me to Graham Linehan who had come into the filming of the Boosh to watch me because he is the director of "The IT Crowd". Another BBC show that films in London. Amazing show, bloody hilarious. Just finished watching every episode to be honest and Mr. Linehan is very excited to work with me so...I'm very excited as well. I'm not 100% positive if Noel is going to go on The IT Crowd. He says he's a bit busy writing, he wants to direct and star in his own show, which is really cool because I'd love to do that as well. Anyways, I must be off again, I am exhausted!