Saturday, September 17, 2011

1 Year Anniversary

Julian and I have officially been dating for a year now. That is fucking insane. I love the very first post about him:

Jason is talking to Will, Bobby, Bill, Keenan, and guests and Jenny just doesn't party with us...I don't know where she goes but on the plus side we had Julian Casablancas come! He is such a sweetheart. When I wasn't playing with Jimmy and Seth I was talking to Julian who got this voice of ANGELS. Although he attempted to beat me in SSB
(Super Smash Bros.), he failed miserably.

At around 2AM Fred whipped out the karaoke machine and the fun really got started. We actually got our digital short from it for this week. It's called Boombox and Julian is in it as well. GET EXCITED. Julian's actually a pretty amazing guy, and he has known Andy for a while.

I love that that is all I said. Like nothing was going to become of our encounter like so many other encounters have become. I love that I referred to Andy when explaining who he is. I also love what Julian wrote about me on the Euro-Tour:

MONSE FROM CALIFORNIA ASKS: What's your favorite thing about Christina?
Well Monse that's a good question, thank you. Uhhhh seriously I can't think of ONE specific thing. But in general I love her smile, her hair, her style (she stole it from me), her personality...she's so funny and random. I love how damn cute she can be. One minute she'll be kicking someone's ass in video games and the next moment she'll be sleeping on my shoulder. I love how loving she is, every single day she talks about her 'family' of orphans and how they're doing. She loves her friends and I like that about her, she's really well rounded. She's also extremely musical and that another awesome trait about her because I can seriously see a future for her in The Strokes as our keyboardist...which is pretty fucking rad. I love how she's not some fruitcake girly girl. Like that would piss the shit out of me, I definitely can play video games with her or have a belch-off or go rock climbing and shit. She's a cool chick. Hope that answers your question Monse.

I love that so much you don't even know. I actually didn't notice he posted that until someone sent me an email about it. I love that he said 'rad' because I've definitely been using that lingo ever since we started living together. Or we live together? He usually stays in my room but it's not like a set thing...he goes into his room a bunch for the dogs and what not. God I love Julian. We've had such good times, number 1 definitely being the other day when we grilled cheese. Oh God that just defined our relationship in so many ways.

Julian means everything to me
I want to be with him for a very long time
I want to plan my future with him
I want us to be best friends forever
I want us to never grow apart
He's the reason why I want to ditch class everyday
He's the reason why I look both ways across the street
He's the reason why I can never go back to Klino's in Sweden
He's the reason why I'm working my ass off so we'll never have to work again

I love him more than I love anything else in the world This past year has just been getting better and better and I'm so glad to have met him. I feel like we're soul mates and nothing will ever tear us apart. To think that we almost broke up once is insane. That was the lowest I've been ever. My morale was just gone, I didn't want to function. I tried to blow-it off and ignore him but I couldn't, and now we're stronger than ever. We dressed as pirates and ran around, we went to Niagara Falls and played Titanic, we stayed in a hotel and got near kicked out because we were screaming too loud. Julian took a punch for me. Julian punched a guy for me. We're in love. I'm just trying to show you this.  Trying to convey that message. 

Picture of the day is of Julian when we went to the park and chilled like little creepers in the night.
I love you Julian.
Mark my words.