Thursday, September 22, 2011

And Now We Wait...

Ugh the anticipation is murder. Only 20 more hours/1220 more minutes/73210 more seconds! Ugh, I really hope I get in, this morning I was really confident that I would get the part but now I can see so many other actors and actresses who tried out getting the part.

I keep finding more awesome pics from Florida. Here's Jules in front of the Tower of Terror just before it was going to pour. It's funny, you might think that I do this blog post all in one show but I actually do it throughout the day gradually. Because to be honest, I really don't have time to do it all at once. (20H, 1202M, 72143S)

The list is up!! SNL starts October 1st with host Alec Baldwin and musical guest Radio and then on the 8th is Melissa McCarthy and Lady Antebellum! Very exciting that next week (the week Boosh ends sadly) is the same week we start SNL. I'm happy to get the band back together. My CoverGirl photoshoot is coming up! Did I mention that already? I feel like I have. Jules and I went to Scenic on Hudson last night. We just chilled on a bench and watched that polluted river go by. We skipped stones but it was mainly to just get away from the city. It's so hard to get away sometimes and I felt that I was focusing on work and not Julian. I felt so bad the other day, I was half-awake/half-asleep and it was about 9PM and Julian was poking me awake saying that we should go do something, but I was just so tired that I literally couldn't do anything. So instead he went out with Ryan and Niko to some club to have fun. I just want to let you know folks that it's not a fucking parade working! Ah! Stop slandering me morning news! Seriously! Every morning it's the same rant, "When will she crack?" "She has no time for us anymore!" Literally when I'm working on just SNL it's "Oh she's being lazy" and then when I do 10,000 things it's "Oh well she's doing it just for the money then"

I can never win with you people can I? (14H, 879M, 52760S)