Sunday, May 29, 2011

Justin Timberlake hosts SNL

This just shows how lazy I am...I haven't used this font in a while...

I am so sad right now! Last SNL episode of the season and then everyone leaves!! Well...almost everyone

Andy-Going to California
Abby-Going back to Hell
Bobby-Staying in NYC
Bill-Going to Oklahoma
Jay-Staying in NYC
Jason-Going to Virginia
Kristen-Leaves for upstate New York with Fred
Keenan-Going to Georgia
Vanessa-Staying in NYC
Taran-Going back to California
Paul-Going to Illinois with NASIM
Nasim-Going to Illinois with PAUL
Fred-Leaves for upstate New York with Kristen
Seth-Staying in NYC
Christina-Goes around the world 7 times over with The Strokes

Exciting right? WRONG. I'M SO SAD TO LEAVE. I'm going to miss everyone so much. Although I am seeing Taran and Andy when I go to California. Or at least that's what I said I would do, I'm not sure if I actually will. Depends on if I have time or not. I am really glad that our last host was someone who we all have come to love and appreciate. Last year's was someone good too apparently but I forgot what who it was. I'm glad the freakin' digital short is back, it's been too long since we had one. And even that one was a little interesting considering we had Michael Bolton sing in it...

Today I took my usual SNL show mode day and woke up at 11AM then went out to breakfast with Nasim, Paul, Seth, and Jules. Then got home fed my fishies (SPEAKING OF WHICH so the other day I saw my fish {who are both boys and frequently kiss} playing with rocks. Then I saw Quilliam {my blue fish} push a rock with it's face to Coco {my orange fish}...either it's Coco's birthday {which it's not} or my fish just got engaged.), fed the dogs, and got into my (sorry if this is really weird and choppy but I got a Joker tattoo {temporary of course} on the top of my hand and if I look at it from the corner of my eye it looks like a spider so..sorry in advance) swimsuit and jumped into the pool. I don't understand why no one uses that pool it's always a ghost town in there. And that is in no way an offer for people to join me. I like my pool time alone. After that it was about 6PM and I had dinner with everyone and it was mainly "OMG I'M GONNA MISS YOU GUYS" from Seth, Jay, Vanessa, and Bobby. Although I have a feeling that after a few weeks Jay and Vanessa will leave just because Bobby and Seth are such good friends that they might feel alienated by it. Although I definitely got a good, well-deserved, panic message from Seth after dinner.

Alright well I'm gonna go get changed, see yah soon!
(taking her aside) Hey can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah sure what's up?
When are you leaving again?
Well we leave the 4th but then come back on the 7th and stay here till the 28th then leave again on the 29th and don't come back till July 30th then leave again in August on the 12th then come back in September the....8th I think.
SETH I ever going to see you this summer?
Yeah...I come back in June and August...
Are you bringing your computer?
Yeah! So we can talk on there!
(pause) ...promise me you'll be extra careful okay?
Careful?? What am I cliff diving? (laughs)
God knows with you. No I mean Japan...Norway...Brazil...just be careful of pickpockets, bring a map everywhere you know what just don't leave your hotel...
Seth, will you calm down. I know I'm a target from being a SNL.
Not from being on SNL just from being you!
What the fuck did I do??
You didn't do're just too pretty is all.
(bewildered) thank you...?
People would do anything to get to you Christina, why don't you realize this...?
I just try to live my life the way I want to live it and don't think about negative consequences I guess.
You'd think that attack would shape you.
It did. Trust me.
I do.
Then I'll be fine.
(sighing) You better be.
(hugging him tightly) Calm down, I'll talk to you online.
(sighing again) Okay. (kissing her forehead) I just worry about you.
(laughing) I know.
(smiling) You.

Seth's a worry wort. But I love that guy. After that I went to get changed and then went to Hair and Make-Up and got all dolled up. I'm not really nervous about tonight's show but the Monologue is a little daunting. I've been practicing all week with Justin on it and he's brilliant part is a little sketchy. He's singing this really intense song and he comes up to me in the audience and says something (I don't want to give it away) and then I also back up sing and dance to his line of "I'm not gonna have some hot back up dancer who practically steals my spotlight" and then the spotlight hits me and I start doing some intense tap dancing. Whew, I'm nervous alright. Here's the line-up!

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Cold Open
Herb Welch
Digital Short: 3-Way (the Golden Rule)
What's that Name?
Amusement Park Ride 
Secret Word 
Barry Gibb Talk Show
Mozart: Dress Rehearsal
End Clap
The show was FANTASTIC. I'm just going to go over my scenes, MONOLOGUE WAS BRILLIANT!! Although he brought me UP on stage instead of me finding my way onto the stage. Literally everything changes during the show, even all the lines of the script change it's ridiculous. Then we had What's that Name? Lady Gaga had a little mistake of wearing her Judas hand-thing for the whole scene but it was just a little slip and everything else went fine. Then there was Amusement Park Ride...oh Justin you're gonna get me remember when I said that I promised Jules I would kiss him on the cheek? Yeah well I figured Justin would try to pull a fast one on me so I said it very clearly to the audience that I was going to KISS HIM ON THE CHEEK just to prove this was nothing of my doing. Jules was fine with it and Justin apologized but the audience was in fits of tears when it happened because a lot of them knew it wasn't scripted. Dammit Justin...but he did taste good...then we had the mistake with the lap bar on the ride broke (it was suppose to go down automatically but either the tech people forgot or it broke not sure which) so there was that...then Mozart Dress Rehearsal went perfectly! Everything was great. We had some teary goodbye at the End Clap as you can see.

I'm going to miss SNL so much...I wonder if the cast will change next year...I hope I'm still apart of the SNL/NBC family. They all mean the world to me. I mean...they gave me a place to live, food to eat, fame, fortune, gave my fellow orphans a proper place to live. Almost all of the original orphans are now living with families. I couldn't ask for a better life. Sure I may have gotten back-stabbed both metaphorically and literally but it was all worth it...I've traveled to so many places and I'll be traveling to even more this summer. I've made so many new friends, in and outside of NBC. I couldn't have asked for a better fairy tale ending to my Season 1 and I hope my Season 2 (if there is a season 2 for me) will be even better. Have a great summer everyone.