Monday, May 30, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

No I didn't see it. Sorry Jack Black. Julian and I went shoe shopping today. CHECK IT OUT!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Justin Timberlake hosts SNL

This just shows how lazy I am...I haven't used this font in a while...

I am so sad right now! Last SNL episode of the season and then everyone leaves!! Well...almost everyone

Andy-Going to California
Abby-Going back to Hell
Bobby-Staying in NYC
Bill-Going to Oklahoma
Jay-Staying in NYC
Jason-Going to Virginia
Kristen-Leaves for upstate New York with Fred
Keenan-Going to Georgia
Vanessa-Staying in NYC
Taran-Going back to California
Paul-Going to Illinois with NASIM
Nasim-Going to Illinois with PAUL
Fred-Leaves for upstate New York with Kristen
Seth-Staying in NYC
Christina-Goes around the world 7 times over with The Strokes

Exciting right? WRONG. I'M SO SAD TO LEAVE. I'm going to miss everyone so much. Although I am seeing Taran and Andy when I go to California. Or at least that's what I said I would do, I'm not sure if I actually will. Depends on if I have time or not. I am really glad that our last host was someone who we all have come to love and appreciate. Last year's was someone good too apparently but I forgot what who it was. I'm glad the freakin' digital short is back, it's been too long since we had one. And even that one was a little interesting considering we had Michael Bolton sing in it...

Today I took my usual SNL show mode day and woke up at 11AM then went out to breakfast with Nasim, Paul, Seth, and Jules. Then got home fed my fishies (SPEAKING OF WHICH so the other day I saw my fish {who are both boys and frequently kiss} playing with rocks. Then I saw Quilliam {my blue fish} push a rock with it's face to Coco {my orange fish}...either it's Coco's birthday {which it's not} or my fish just got engaged.), fed the dogs, and got into my (sorry if this is really weird and choppy but I got a Joker tattoo {temporary of course} on the top of my hand and if I look at it from the corner of my eye it looks like a spider so..sorry in advance) swimsuit and jumped into the pool. I don't understand why no one uses that pool it's always a ghost town in there. And that is in no way an offer for people to join me. I like my pool time alone. After that it was about 6PM and I had dinner with everyone and it was mainly "OMG I'M GONNA MISS YOU GUYS" from Seth, Jay, Vanessa, and Bobby. Although I have a feeling that after a few weeks Jay and Vanessa will leave just because Bobby and Seth are such good friends that they might feel alienated by it. Although I definitely got a good, well-deserved, panic message from Seth after dinner.

Alright well I'm gonna go get changed, see yah soon!
(taking her aside) Hey can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah sure what's up?
When are you leaving again?
Well we leave the 4th but then come back on the 7th and stay here till the 28th then leave again on the 29th and don't come back till July 30th then leave again in August on the 12th then come back in September the....8th I think.
SETH I ever going to see you this summer?
Yeah...I come back in June and August...
Are you bringing your computer?
Yeah! So we can talk on there!
(pause) ...promise me you'll be extra careful okay?
Careful?? What am I cliff diving? (laughs)
God knows with you. No I mean Japan...Norway...Brazil...just be careful of pickpockets, bring a map everywhere you know what just don't leave your hotel...
Seth, will you calm down. I know I'm a target from being a SNL.
Not from being on SNL just from being you!
What the fuck did I do??
You didn't do're just too pretty is all.
(bewildered) thank you...?
People would do anything to get to you Christina, why don't you realize this...?
I just try to live my life the way I want to live it and don't think about negative consequences I guess.
You'd think that attack would shape you.
It did. Trust me.
I do.
Then I'll be fine.
(sighing) You better be.
(hugging him tightly) Calm down, I'll talk to you online.
(sighing again) Okay. (kissing her forehead) I just worry about you.
(laughing) I know.
(smiling) You.

Seth's a worry wort. But I love that guy. After that I went to get changed and then went to Hair and Make-Up and got all dolled up. I'm not really nervous about tonight's show but the Monologue is a little daunting. I've been practicing all week with Justin on it and he's brilliant part is a little sketchy. He's singing this really intense song and he comes up to me in the audience and says something (I don't want to give it away) and then I also back up sing and dance to his line of "I'm not gonna have some hot back up dancer who practically steals my spotlight" and then the spotlight hits me and I start doing some intense tap dancing. Whew, I'm nervous alright. Here's the line-up!

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Cold Open
Herb Welch
Digital Short: 3-Way (the Golden Rule)
What's that Name?
Amusement Park Ride 
Secret Word 
Barry Gibb Talk Show
Mozart: Dress Rehearsal
End Clap
The show was FANTASTIC. I'm just going to go over my scenes, MONOLOGUE WAS BRILLIANT!! Although he brought me UP on stage instead of me finding my way onto the stage. Literally everything changes during the show, even all the lines of the script change it's ridiculous. Then we had What's that Name? Lady Gaga had a little mistake of wearing her Judas hand-thing for the whole scene but it was just a little slip and everything else went fine. Then there was Amusement Park Ride...oh Justin you're gonna get me remember when I said that I promised Jules I would kiss him on the cheek? Yeah well I figured Justin would try to pull a fast one on me so I said it very clearly to the audience that I was going to KISS HIM ON THE CHEEK just to prove this was nothing of my doing. Jules was fine with it and Justin apologized but the audience was in fits of tears when it happened because a lot of them knew it wasn't scripted. Dammit Justin...but he did taste good...then we had the mistake with the lap bar on the ride broke (it was suppose to go down automatically but either the tech people forgot or it broke not sure which) so there was that...then Mozart Dress Rehearsal went perfectly! Everything was great. We had some teary goodbye at the End Clap as you can see.

I'm going to miss SNL so much...I wonder if the cast will change next year...I hope I'm still apart of the SNL/NBC family. They all mean the world to me. I mean...they gave me a place to live, food to eat, fame, fortune, gave my fellow orphans a proper place to live. Almost all of the original orphans are now living with families. I couldn't ask for a better life. Sure I may have gotten back-stabbed both metaphorically and literally but it was all worth it...I've traveled to so many places and I'll be traveling to even more this summer. I've made so many new friends, in and outside of NBC. I couldn't have asked for a better fairy tale ending to my Season 1 and I hope my Season 2 (if there is a season 2 for me) will be even better. Have a great summer everyone.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Last Day 5 of my Season 1 {Justin Timberlake}

No filming today since we finished early! Justin and I went to go see the Hangover 2 with Michael Cera (yeah we still hang out) and it was HILARIOUS. I love Ed Helms so much. He's such an awesome guy. During the drive back to NBC Justin and Michael made me talk about Jules and how we've been kinda mellow the past few days and literally dragged me to his doorstep so I could talk to him about that. Jules and I are fine by the way we just have been pretty mellow these past few days because of me being busy and what not. But everything is fine.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Day 4 of my Season 1 {Justin Timberlake}

Last night I went to a Shakespearean Improv Show and it was AMAZING. It was by Odyssey and it started at 8 and we didn't get home (Bill, Bobby, Parns, and Nasim) 11:30! it was amazing, and I really recommend it. You know what else I recommend? JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. Or as I like to refer to him as Justin Timberlake, oh he's so talented. For that's always the first thing anyways says when you say his name. Justin, Albert, and I were hanging out at this club in Queens and Justin is just funny as shit. I love that guy.

Today we filmed Update and Mozart Dress Rehearsal (which means we have tomorrow off!). I was in the Mozart Dress Rehearsal which was really funny because it's a lot similar to the immigrants moving to America scene. Look back on that you'll get an idea, but this one Andy also comes in as Mozart's's hard to explain just watch it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last Day 3 of my Season 1 {Justin Timberlake}

MORE FILMING FOR ME! Today we filmed Amusement Park Ride and Barry Gibb Talk Show. Amusement Park Ride involves me kissing Justin but ever since Jules and I discussed it we changed it to kiss on the cheek. So that fixes THAT problem. Amusement Park Ride we've already done but this time Jason is my boyfriend and we're in the tunnel of love. Wow.

Barry Gibb Talk Show is an obviously very popular skit so I don't even have to go into it. I was watching Little Shop of Horrors the other day and I noticed the creepy similarities between Audrey and Myself and Orin and Julian. Julian obviously doesn't beat me as a punishment but it was funny. Very funny.



I know I've already posted this picture, but come on. How could you not love him?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Last Day 2 of my Season 1 {Justin Timberlake}

As you can see by yesterdays picture Jules and I went to the studio last night and Fab didn't go last night so it was just the six of us (including Ryan). We had a lovely Chinese take-out dinner and I stayed until 11PM when Jules was literally carrying me out of the building. I get tired easily.

Yesterday they filmed Herb Welch and Secret Word, just from my apparent non-interest in those scenes you can tell that I was in neither of them. Today I was in one of though! I was in What's That Name? and then the Lonely Island plus Justin filmed the Digital Short.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Look at dat Watch

Cost me a fortune.

Last Day 1 of my Season 1 {Justin Timberlake}

Here's the scene list!

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Cold Open (Jay, Keenan)
Monologue (Christina)
Amusement Park Ride (Taran, Bobby, Jason, Paul, Christina, Bill)
Herb Welch (Jason, Nasim, Fred, Bill)
Secret Word (again? really?) (Kristen, Bill, Bobby, Vanessa)
Barry Gibb Talk Show (:D) (Bobby, Abby, Keenan, Jimmy Fallon)
What's That Name? (Bill, Bobby, Christina, Fred, Taran)
Digital Short: 3-Way (the Golden Rule) (Andy)
Mozart: Dress Rehearsal (Bill, Bobby, Taran, Christina, Jason, Andy)

GREAT GREAT GREAT scenes this week. And in case you've been reading People; yes Julian and I had a teary hug and expensive stuff exchange, yes Seth drove me to school because I didn't want Julian to. No I'm not going to go into detail.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vinegar Babies

We finished Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, and Aladdin. Not a fan of Sleeping Beauty, although Aladdin was pretty cool. Although Jules came for Aladdin and I cuddled with him through that one. The sad part of living with a lot of friends is that you watch a lot of movies and you just become content with sitting down and doing practically nothing. Sad part is, I'm 100% okay with that.

Title is definitely a reference to an inside joke while watching Alice in Wonderland. I don't feel like explaining. I mean my day WAS pretty laborious. I just wanted to take the time to apologize in this post to my dear sweet Julian Casablancas because I have to yet again kiss someone in a skit. Oh the things I do for fans.

My sexy work out man.


As a kid I never got to grace myself with all these Disney movies so today Kristen and Nasim threw me a "Pajama Disney Sleepover Day Popcorn" Party. It's 2PM and so far we've watched Beauty and the Beast, the Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and Hercules. Hercules is definitely my favorite just because Hades is so freakin' cool. SO freakin' cool. I'd definitely be a modern day Persephone. She's hot. Not really. But still. Oh in case you were wondering about that whole "Is Seth Meyers my uncle" thing, he's not. Josh and I got tested and he's not my father. Ah well, someone must be my dad.

Look at that sexy fucker. This is not my picture.

Ed Helms hosts SNL

Here's the line-up for tonight!

The Situation Room Cold Open
Prom Album
What Up With That?
Ace and Gary: The Ambiguously Gay Duo
One-Take Tony
Ann Margaret
Republican Ad

Don't you just hate commercials? The Line-up may seem weird to you if you're reading this the day after SNL aired. That's because the monologue, and prom album, were asked to not be apart of the Hulu episode. Weird huh? I didn't attend the after party. Jules and I were tired so we just fed the dogs, and went to bed. Isn't life swell?

Day 5 {Ed Helms}

Today we filmed what up with that and it was just as beautiful as it always is. We had Chris Colfer on the show and he's so cool! We didn't really talk much (he was already friends with Nasim somehow) and so I would be with her when they would be talking. It was pretty intense. I love Nasim but sometimes I just get so jealous of the people she knows and the people I don't know. I hope Chris reads this and talks to me. Yeah I'm shallow so what. Abby wasn't in the scene today. I'm pleased.

I went to my friend's catholic confirmation today! We went into this big church and watched her get her new saint name and stuff. It was really cool, I wish I had a religion. But I feel like if I did have one then groups would exclude me out of things, like I would never be able to go to an atheist party if I was Christian. Or I'd never be able to go to a Jewish party if I was Satanic. Because there are so many Jewish and atheist parties out there...

For the last episode of the season we have Justin Timberlake and musical guest Lady Gaga...that is so freakin' cool. And according to Seth we're going to have Bradley (oh my GOD) Cooper and Jimmy Fallon. I'm sorry but Bradley Cooper is HOT. Lately I've been very artsy and I have no idea why. I've painted four different paintings and I'm seriously considering just selling them on the street for pennies. I only say this because I've been getting emails about it, I don't just think I'm that cool to just sell something and instantly make tons of money from it. Ha, no. I've got proof! Any who, bye!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Going Back!

We're going back to California in two weeks and that's really how our whole tour begins. It's California two days, then Tennessee the next. Then there's a 20 day period of nothing (maybe we'll chill in Tennessee who knows)

But I'm very excited to go back to California because contrary to Death Cab for Cutie's "Why You'd Want to Live Here" I love California. Even though they're really stuck up about their perfection.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 4 {Ed Helms}

Today we filmed Ann Margaret at 10AM and boy...was that something I just did NOT want to film at 10AM. At 5PM Julian and I went on a date to the Pita Pit where you make your own pitas and eat them in a ball pit, definitely the coolest place in the Bronx. Highly recommend. I've been very artsy this past week. I've been making spray paint pieces and regular paint pieces and they're all shit but I love them! Maybe I'll sell them...I was skyping Cillain today, made me laugh. I love that kid, he's a hoot.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 3 {Ed Helms}

I sadly didn't get to do any filming today, but I do have it tomorrow and on Friday. I've come across a very important decision in my life as to whether or not I should attend college, now that I have the money for it. I'd still do SNL (if they want me) and I could juggle them both...I'd go to college in the city (or around it) and it'd be great! But what do I need a degree for? I'm already making more money than most people do with a degree, and what would I even major in? Enthusiasm? It's a tough decision and I personally don't even know if I'm old enough or too old. Life's rough.

I just finished Tina Fey's book Bossypants, oh Lord I SO recommend it. And she mentioned me! That made me really happy and she didn't even have to do that...what a sweetheart. That's probably why she's been hassling me to read the damn thing. And I read it all in 3 DAYS. I'm so proud. I'm not really a book worm which is why this is such an accomplishment. However I have read a lot of books just during school. Makes me feel worldly. One of these days teachers will use my blog as an example of "Stream-of-consciousness". It'll happen. I'm excited for it.

Season finale of SNL is coming up and I'm really sad about it! I'm going to miss everyone over the summer. I mean we're all still going to be here (actually that's BS because I'm going with Jules all around the world) but I'm still going to miss the filming and the panic of not knowing your lines for 3 months...but we come back in the fall so I'm excited for that. My summer should be awesome other'll read all about it here! Toodles for now!

Day 2 {Ed Helms}

We filmed the promo today! I love being in the promo's because I'm usually not on TV commercials except in little excepts of SNL. BUT I am in this week's promo and here's some of the good takes we got:

Hi I'm Ed Helms hosting SNL this week with musical guest Paul Simon.
You know this is the last show before the finale?
Yeah so if you blow this everyone will hate you.
...too late.


Hi I'm Ed Helms hosting SNL this week with musical guest Paul Simon.
Ed you are so lucky to have someone as phenomenal as Paul Simon.
Oh trust me I'll forever be in his debt.
And that's a promise. (evil red eyes appear on PAUL)


Hi I'm Ed Helms hosting SNL this week with musical guest Paul Simon.

So Ed I hear you're afraid of being tickled.
No, I'm not afraid of being tickled, (jokingly) I am afraid of the tickle monster though! 
(coming out in a giant blue demon costume) BLARRARRGHHHH AAAHHH!!!

Aside from the Promo they filmed Ace and Gary: The Ambiguously Gay Duo today and I am so jealous of the cast. Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, and of course Ed Helms. Super jealous, the scene is amazing. Although when I first saw Steve I did not recognize him in his full hair and make-up. The characters are hilarious. Stephen Colbert is just the funniest man I've ever met.

Literally just from spit it's now yellow and brown.
That is absolutely disgusting! Why would you tell anyone that?
I...I have no idea. You jerk you bring out the worst in me.
Yes it's my fault.
Yeah. Jerk.
Well it makes sense I mean, if I wasn't so...devilishly handsome you would've had better things to discuss.
Oh God, yes, you've pinned me down, that's what's happening.
Ha ha, definitely.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 3 {Tina Fey}

Sorry I was in a terrible mood yesterday because Abby was being her normal cunt self. Sorry again for using that word, I'm a grown-up, however, and I can say whatever the fuck I want. Today we filmed Pregnant in Heels and Discount Prom Wear (yeah double filming for me today which is really lame because I only have 3 scenes this week...and Abby has 2....haha I win) SPEAKING OF WINNING

TMZ you sing to my heart cords

Abby Elliot has been in a lot of celebrity gossip lately. If you even consider her a celebrity. As a third generation Saturday Night Live (SNL) cast member, Abby Elliot is known for being in the background of great scenes. The background. You may ask yourself then, why is she still on the show? Well we've been asking ourselves those questions too. Recently there has been a lot of animosity between cast member Christina Essenelle and Abby. Why? According to Christina's blog Abby has been just an all-around bitch. This is exciting news people, someone who can make a difference about this person hates her too! Someone people LIKE. Remember when Danielle Fimmer had that problem with Abby Elliott and nothing happened to Abby because no one KNEW Danielle Fimmer? Well, now there'll be a change on the SNL cast and it better be the removal of Abby Elliott. We've taken her bullshit for too long, Lorne Michaels please. Fire the bitch. 

Day 3 {Tina Fey}

Sorry I was in a terrible mood yesterday because Abby was being her normal cunt self. Sorry again for using that word, I'm a grown-up, however, and I can say whatever the fuck I want. Today we filmed Pregnant in Heels and Discount Prom Wear (yeah double filming for me today which is really lame because I only have 3 scenes this week...and Abby has 2....haha I win) SPEAKING OF WINNING

TMZ you sing to my heart cords

Abby Elliot has been in a lot of celebrity gossip lately. If you even consider her a celebrity. As a third generation Saturday Night Live (SNL) cast member, Abby Elliot is known for being in the background of great scenes. The background. You may ask yourself then, why is she still on the show? Well we've been asking ourselves those questions too. Recently there has been a lot of animosity between cast member Christina Essenelle and Abby. Why? According to Christina's blog Abby has been just an all-around bitch. This is exciting news people, someone who can make a difference about this person hates her too! Someone people LIKE. Remember when Danielle Fimmer had that problem with Abby Elliott and nothing happened to Abby because no one KNEW Danielle Fimmer? Well, now there'll be a change on the SNL cast and it better be the removal of Abby Elliott. We've taken her bullshit for too long, Lorne Michaels please. Fire the bitch. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Well Said Fred

I am so freakin' blessed with Jules I swear to God.

I've been in a shitty mood all day today.

And Jules always knows how to cheer me up.

I love that kid.

Even though he's older than me.

Oh Jules.

Attack of the Killer Pacifists

I hate Special Effects. I hate their department so much.

Day 1 {Ed Helms}

I've met Ed before at the SNL Christmas Eve party (such a good party, I just reread the post I wrote on it and I left so much out, and it's still stupid long) and we didn't really talk that much and I went up to talk to him today about why that was and this conversation ensued:

Why didn't we talk at the Christmas party! I feel like this whole awkward get-to-know-each-other thing could've been avoided and we would've already have been best friends. 
I was super intimidated by you! You were like bouncing from one friend to the next and I didn't really fit into your equation. 
Ed, I'm officially mad at you. I'm SO not intimidating.
Yeah you are! You're like...the "It" girl.
You're like...the funniest guy ever.
You on the office? Amazing, I have yet to see Cedar Rapids though, BUT I WILL!
Ha ha, you definitely don't have to do anything.
I'm gonna be your friend if it kills me.
I'm excited.

I'm in What Up with That?
Ann Margaret

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Going Out

I love going out to go party, especially when it's not hosted by NBC, Strokes, NME, SNL, or Lorne Michaels in any way, shape, or form. Tonight Julian was invited by Verizon Mobile to launch their new LG Revolution and so of course I got to go as well! I had such an amazing time, it's funny whenever I think of going to one of Julian's parties I think of the girls at the Playboy Mansion who go to Hef's parties all the time and just stand as arm candy. I remember reading an interview with Holly Madison that was saying that whenever she goes out she has her two rules to 1. Do As Hef Says and 2. Stay Pretty. I kind of feel the same way when going to Jules' parties, although I definitely go out and talk to people myself as well. But not a lot. I usually stay by his side 24/7 just because I love to be with him, and bitches are crazy. I'm a super jealous person so whenever I see girls going up to Julian trying to get his autograph or talk to him I'm always by his side, just in case someone tries to do something. Although, something did happen tonight which reinforced my mental rule to stick with Jules through everything. PICS AS PROOF!

I'm gonna go get some food, want anything?
Nah I'm fine. 
Alright, I'll see you in a bit. 
(kisses her cheek) Bye. (CHRISTINA goes to the bar back with JULIAN are two girls who start talking to him [the next part Jules wrote])
Julian!! Can we get a picture with you, we're such a fan!!
Uh, yeah sure. What's your name?
Mackenzie, and this is my friend Sylvie and Ashley. 
(waving) Hey how's it going.
(handing the camera to ASHLEY 
Thanks so much for doing this Julian.
No problem. (the camera flashes and SYLVIE grabs JULIAN's crotch as he's smiling for the picture. Immediately he pushes her away)
You should dump your girlfriend.
You should leave.
(laughing) BYE JULES!
(rolling his eyes he sits down, onlookers are now looking at the bar to CHRISTINA who is holding a plate awestruck. JULIAN gets up and goes over to her) You know I didn't instigate that right?
This is why I hate when you're not with me.
This is why I hate you making out with celebrities on stage.
Two completely different things.
Those girls were crazy.
Oh I don't doubt that, I hope they didn't hurt you...
(laughs) I'm fine. Maybe we should go.
We've reached that point.
(putting his arm around her he kisses her on the side of her head) I love you, you know that right?
Ugh, you drive me insane.
(laughing again) You're adorable.
I love you too dear. (she turns to him and kisses him on the lips)



Some people just...get depressed. I don't think I could ever be depressed. I just view everyday as the best day of my life and live it that way. When I have a normal day, that's a good day. Some people I talk to when they have their normal day it's a bad day. Like normal is bad. That's just a shitty outlook and will probably lead to depression. Just saying

Picture is of Jules at the airport.

Tina Fey hosts SNL


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 4 {Tina Fey}

I filmed my scene today. T'was awesome but more importantly, why this post is 4 days late.

(on the phone) Yeah, yeah I'll be right over. No it's fine I'm coming. 
What happened?
My uncle just died this morning...
Oh my God Julian I'm so sorry...
I'm flying to Copenhagen tonight, now in fact. 
Sweetheart...I'm so sorry (she hugs him tightly)
(caressing her hair) Come with me.
Julian...I have the show.
Skip it.
Julian I can't just skip it...I'm sorry dear.
(turning away tears in his eyes, she goes to place a hand on his shoulder and he grabs it and starts crying) I wish you could go...(JULIAN and CHRISTINA get into a taxi and drive to the airport, however a mile away from it the taxi breaks down and JULIAN is left to call another cab to drive him there and CHRISTINA to walk home. JULIAN gets his bag from out of the taxi as the next taxi pulls up along side them. JULIAN and CHRISTINA look at each other and CHRISTINA gives him a quick peck on the lips and then walks away) ...Christina! (she turns around and he places his hands on her cheeks and kisses her with the utmost passion, their tender kiss ends with them crying in each other's missing each other already)
I love you dear.
I love you so much. (taxi beeps) I'll see you soon, bye.
(she waits until the taxi leaves until she realizes something) Julian wait!..........I'm coming with you! (she chases after the car and it doesn't stop until they reach the airport and once JULIAN steps out and sees her out of breath and he squeezes her into a hug and then picks her up into his arms)
What're you doing here...?
I'd be an idiot not to go with you.
But the show!
I don't have to be there till Saturday...
Dear...I love you.

And we've been in Copenhagen since.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 3 {Tina Fey}

Sorry I was in a terrible mood yesterday because Abby was being her normal cunt self. Sorry again for using that word, I'm a grown-up, however, and I can say whatever the fuck I want. Today we filmed Pregnant in Heels and Discount Prom Wear (yeah double filming for me today which is really lame because I only have 3 scenes this week...and Abby has 2....haha I win) SPEAKING OF WINNING

TMZ you sing to my heart cords

Abby Elliot has been in a lot of celebrity gossip lately. If you even consider her a celebrity. As a third generation Saturday Night Live (SNL) cast member, Abby Elliot is known for being in the background of great scenes. The background. You may ask yourself then, why is she still on the show? Well we've been asking ourselves those questions too. Recently there has been a lot of animosity between cast member Christina Essenelle and Abby. Why? According to Christina's blog Abby has been just an all-around bitch. This is exciting news people, someone who can make a difference about this person hates her too! Someone people LIKE. Remember when Danielle Fimmer had that problem with Abby Elliott and nothing happened to Abby because no one KNEW Danielle Fimmer? Well, now there'll be a change on the SNL cast and it better be the removal of Abby Elliott. We've taken her bullshit for too long, Lorne Michaels please. Fire the bitch.

Oh TMZ why you so awesome. Sometimes, actually TMZ you've been really nice to me so I like you! Even though everyone else in the world doesn't. Sorry guys. Jules, oh Jules:

Are you sitting with us in the library? 
Uh, nah I think I'm gonna go to the quad.
You should go to the library.
You just should.
Should I be scared?
Not sure...
Now I'm excited
(laughs) You'll see. (CHRISTINA and NASIM walk into the library and sit down at a table. From the top balcony of the upstairs homework section is JULIAN, FAB, and ALBERT. ALBERT and FAB are holding a big white sign that says on it "PROM?" and JULIAN is holding a microphone)
Oh my God...
He's really doing this here...(laughs)
That is so cute...why is he so loud...this is a library...oh I know that Julian Casablancas...?
(JULIAN slides down the railing reaching CHRISTINA and he hands her a red rose. CHRISTINA smiles widely and kisses him to the students applause)

Day 2 {Tina Fey}

Today we filmed two scenes I wasn't in.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 1 {Tina Fey}

I love Tina, I've always loved Tina. She hosts way too often though. Tomorrow is Keenan's Birthday! Excitement!! Oh, Tyson was discharged out of the hospital today and he left for Oklahoma right after. Very sad day, and I know I didn't mention this but Cillian left a few days ago because he's going back to Ireland. Everyone's leaving me...I had a screaming match with Andy today. He threw an egg at me and yelled at me for showing affection to Julian when I should've known he was still sad about us breaking up.

I have no comment to his fucked up mind. I'm so done with his bullshit.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Yeah Kirsten Dunst hosted SNL, so what. TINA FEY IS HOSTING THIS WEEK

Monologue (Kristen, Keenan, Taran, Maya)
Bin Laden Will Cold Open (Fred)
GOP Debate (Bill, Bobby, Jason, Kristen, Darrel, Keenan)
Birthing Class (Vanessa, Christina, Bobby, Maya, Bill, Kristen, Keenan, Jason)
Pregnant in Heels (Christina, Taran, Jay)
Bedilia Sleepover (Andy, Bobby, Abby, Vanessa, Nasim, Taran)
Digital Short: Jack Sparrow (Andy)
Discount Prom Wear (Andy, Kristen, Christina, Keenan)
Update (Fred, Vanessa, Jason, Bill)
Mermaid (Abby, Vanessa, Keenan, Fred, Paul)
Hallmark Commercial (Paul)

Yee Haw. So for Mother's Day I did nothing! Jules called his mom though and I got to talk to her. That's basically it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Dammit Jimmy Fallon! You're not suppose to include Abby in ANYTHING. We're trying to write her off from existence and that isn't achievable if you include her in your little Jersey Floor skit. Fortunately this conversation ensued

I loved your Jersey Floor skit but why'd you have to bring down your ratings by adding such a whore to your cast?
I know, trust me I know. We asked her to do it before she became a psycho bitch and we're writing her out of it in the next episode.
Yeah, no cause I've just been getting a bunch of blurbs as to why she's working with you. Or at all for that matter.
Yeah, Seth told me about the writing off thing as well so I'm all in.
She'll probably be fired at the end of this year, unless her daddy steps in.
Which he most likely will.
I know...

We left for Louisiana a little late (TODAY) and we just got there and we're all super pumped to be here! It's hot and sticky but everyone else is looking to have a fun time so I am too! Apparently Nikolai has some issues with New Orleans so we're gonna book it out of here soon but as far as I'm concerned this place is awesome. Toodles!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 5 {Kirsten Dunst}

I got to film the Digital Short today at 10AM so I guess that was good, I was also in the 3PM scene, but I'm still frustrated that I had to dress as a guy to do so.


Thursday, May 5, 2011


Poor Tyson, he was hospitalized this afternoon. Jules came to me panicked and we flew as fast as we could to the hospital. I'm not at the liberty to tell you what happened but he is ill.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 3 {Kirsten Dunst}

My right arrow key isn't working so when I tried correcting Kristen Dunst to Kirsten Dunst, it gave me a FUSS. Silly computer. I don't even know what they filmed today. I love Nikolai, I had nothing to do after school today so Nikolai and I went out to go get coffee and then we watched Sleepy Hollow in my room and Fab joined in later with Matt. So much fun.

Nikolai's a good guy, even though he's the biggest fighter of Julian in the group I still love that guy. That's another thing, a lot of the Strokes tend to fight Julian on things and it really bothers me. The dynamic of the group is interesting, it seems like a lot of people just sort of go along with the flow like a lot of Nick's idea get thrown out because it's not what the band wants or something. And contrary to popular belief, Julian is not the deciding word it's usually Fab and Albert. So, RUMOR BUSTED. Pic of the day is of today.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 2 {Kirsten Dunst}

Not gonna lie, I'm really not interested in telling you about the scenes and gossip of the filming for this week. It sincerely bothers me that all girls aren't allowed to be in the episode because that's ridiculous. It's not that we aren't allowed, it's that Kirsten doesn't want us there, and what the host wants the host gets. Rude. I think it's incredibly slutty that she wants herself to be the only female, so you can go fuck yourself Kirsten Dunst because you have just lost a friend.

Monday, May 2, 2011


they be ballin'.

Day 1 {Kirsten Dunst}

Really? I officially hate this week's episode. It's an all guy's week. Fortunately I'm still in a few scenes (few meaning 2) because Bill and Andy have their limits on episodes. This week sucks. Fuck you Kirsten Dunst. Then again, more time to hang out with my friends so, I'm good.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Maryland was amazing. Seriously the concert was just incredible. My first time in Maryland too...woo!

Osama Bin Laden




Julian Casablancas Interview to the World

Versus Magazine: How does it feel to be back on tour again?
Julian Casablancas: Feels great, we were on tour before ... It’s not like it just started; I toured about a year ago.

VM: Oh … Well, I meant like, after you hadn’t for awhile?
JC: (Laughs) No, I figured that’s what you meant. It’s basically been the most fun I’ve ever had on the road, to be honest.

VM: What’s been the most memorable performance you’ve done so far?
JC: Actually, probably the one we had recently. We played Madison Square Garden. This town used to be really tough. I have played this venue many times; I’ve always thought the crowds were really tough. I was expecting the worst but it was just the best show of the tour. Everyone was going nuts; it was awesome.

VM: Did it felt good to go solo? Exciting? Scary? Did you like doing your own thing?
JC: It was fun and challenging. It’s akin to the early days of the Strokes. I felt like I’m starting up again … It’s actually my favorite kind of show — you have to charm the crowd.  A lot of people come, but they don’t really know what to expect. They come and are like, “How is this going to work?”

Do you mean they come with more of an open mind, then?
JC: No, it’s the difference between the beginning of the show — when [the crowd] is just standing and watching, ready to judge — and the end, when they are going nuts. It’s been really awesome. I just feel like with all of this [new music] going on, people don’t know what to expect live. It was a challenge to work that out, but we did. To experience everyone playing all these interlocking sounds live is pretty exciting.

VM: Did you have any musical influences — bands, genres — that impacted you while you were making “Phrazes?”
JC: Definitely. Like Hot Chip. I dig their rhythmic vibe.

VM: Hot Chip is really cool. Their new stuff is great.
JC: Yeah they’re rad. And in terms of production stuff — ‘80s. Late ‘70s, like Queen, Michael Jackson. Big production — I wanted some of that clarity.

VM: Yeah. I have been listening to “11th Dimension;” I like that track. It’s really cool and catchy. I was really intrigued by it because it’s a song you can dance and rock out to but once you listen to the lyrics, there’s a heavy sentimentality there. I was wondering if this is more of an emotional record? At least more than people may think … Perhaps because people are so drawn to the sound that they don’t catch the sentimentality behind it.
JC: That’s cool you say that. The main point is that you want to work on both levels.  You listen to a song lightly — you want something fun and catchy; you don’t want to think too much. There’s that, and, well, if you like paying attention to the lyrics, trying to get some sort of a deeper meaning, there’s that too. 

VM: Yeah. I picked that up from “Ludlow St.” I could sense that there is this desire to move forward and progress. Is the song talking about change? Like how things were back with the Strokes and how they are now? Overall, does this song reflect your outlook right now? (Laughing). Sorry. I’m a Philosophy Major.
JC: What aspect of it are you asking about? If you don’t mind. I thought the lyrics got really greedy, meaning-wise. And I wanted to work on like three different levels (laughing).

VM: (Still laughing). Here it goes. I might be completely wrong. What I got out of it was this desire to progress, like there’s the New York City party scene but also there’s another aspect to it — trying to enjoy that, but also getting something deeper out of the music itself … I’m completely off, right?
JC: I mean, no. It’s anything you want to get out of it. If it’s enjoyable, inspiring, it’s right. What I think right now is maybe different from what I thought a year ago. One of the things I do think is that there’s always a fork in the road and I’m just a hopeful dude. It seems like things can go two ways — they can spiral out of control, or you can learn from the lessons of the past and try to make things work. That’s one of the general themes, perhaps.

VM: Are there any other tracks on album that mean something to you — that you feel really connected to?
JC: I don’t know about connected … I do have a lot of fun playing “River of Brakelights.” Definitely one of my faves. 
But I definitely have a deep connection with Glass, that's when my girlfriend was attacked by some guys down on the Lower West Side and I just felt so defenseless, you know?  
VM: I heard about that, is she okay now? It was all over the news.
JC: Yeah she's okay just really shook her up was all. But back to what you were saying, each song has a different theme. I mean, I hear them so much and I play them so much that it kind of becomes dead to me, melodically and meaning wise. I don’t think they are doing what they are intending to do, for me at least, anymore, because I have listened to [every song] like, 2,000 times. 

VM: Has that become a problem, so far, with the album?
JC: Not a problem; it’s just like that with everything. When you first play music, it’s fun. You get that immediate enjoyment of playing something cool. But then when you go on the road and perform things that you write, you get sick of stuff. It’s the nature of it.

VM: Back to the album’s musicality: It has this kind of poppy, synth-pumped sound, which is very different from the Strokes. What made you go in this direction?
JC: I was actually talking to a producer a few years back — I hadn’t even really thought of a solo record at that point — and I was talking about Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” because I really wanted to capture that [in our music].  And he said if the Strokes played “Thriller” it would still sound like the Strokes. And that kind of bummed me out, actually … So I think the songwriting process was the same for me. I could have just used guitars, but I knew starting out that I wanted complex drum rhythms, like two drum beats. And I knew I wanted to go overboard with the dueling melodies. And I knew I would use some keyboard. It’s kind of a similar process, it’s just the arrangement of it. I really had a lot of freedom to do whatever so I’d go kind of left field, which was pretty fun.

VM: Cool. Did you enjoy that — in terms of going solo — the freedom to do what you want creatively and artistically?
JC: I have that freedom in the Strokes — I had. I mean, yeah, I had more of the freedom to work without having to convince or debate. That was the most pleasurable thing about it.

VM: But [The Strokes] are joining up again, right …
JC: Yeah.

VM: Are you excited about that? Have you guys been recording?
JC: Sure.

VM: Are you putting your solo career on hold or will you try to juggle both?
JC: No, kind of juggling both. I’ll be pretty much done by then, doing the solo touring for this record. It should be fine.

VM: When you guys broke up a few years back, did you know that you wanted to do the solo career or did that happen organically?
JC: I didn’t really want to. I was trying to figure out what to do. I had pulled back so far, just trying to invite happiness and collaboration within the band. It was tough. I think people just needed to get it out of their systems: To work outside of the Strokes, before they could bring songs back to the Strokes.

VM: Do you think it’s going to be difficult, now that some of the band members have done the solo thing, to re-collaborate?
JC: No, I think it’s finally time. Now that they have done their solo records, they are coming back with songs too. Back then, they didn’t do that; I was a little confused. You know, we share everything five ways. I wrote a lot of it back in the day, but I didn’t care — everything was cool with me. But, like I said, when they would write a song, they didn’t bring it to the Strokes — they made solo records. At this point, though, this is all stuff we have taken care of. Everything is cool now. I’m just stringing you along with a little history. Back then, we would get together and they didn’t seem very interested in working on songs. Meanwhile, they were doing solo records, and like I said, we share everything. I was like, I don’t feel like I really have a choice. The Strokes weren’t spiritually ready to do a record. But that was then. It was good for everyone to get that out of their system — to feel confidence, or whatever they needed. And then we worked on the record for five or sixth months; I’m arranging all the stuff. All is good!

VM: Are you excited to come to Nashville? Have you ever been here before?
JC: Yeah, I have been there quite a few times. I’m psyched. It’s a great music town. Hopefully they will enjoy.