Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

Thanksgiving with just Jules and I is the coolest. We didn't do much thanksgiving-y stuff other than cooking all day in our beauteous condo-hotel room thing. It's nice having Jules working with me, we work like clockwork. I'm over here he's over there it's like we're ninjas who use either's backs to kill others. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE. White ninjas. Jules and Christina...white ninjas.

We still went snowboarding today and went on some crazy level 7 slopes (the level right before BLACK DIAMOND) and I fell down pretty badly but I'm fine. Jules is getting better. He now goes down slightly faster and doesn't fall AS much. Eventually he'll beat me down the mountain and I wont have to sit and wait for him to get down...eventually. Picture of the day is of Julian when we took a break from this crazy level 7 steep-as-hell slope.

For dinner we cooked a turkey, pumpkin pie, candied yams, cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and stuffing. It was such a well slaved over meal that I ate every bite. Minus the mashed potatoes because I don't like them. By the way thank you for emailing me/Jude!! His replies are the best so if you haven't already emailed, GET ON IT! Question is....what's your favorite breakfast and why?

It's time to be thankful, and I'm thankful for all of you folks, cause if you never read this blog I would just be some girl on SNL. Thank you for the interviews, TV opportunities, photo shoots, and music videos. None of this could be achieved without the help of my fans so thank you so much. I'm grateful, don't ever doubt that. I'm probably one of the most grateful people you'll ever meet.