Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 5 {Charlie Day}

HAPPY VETERANS DAY! Really, thank you to all the troops, thank you to the navy, army, coast guard, air force etc. etc. Even the military's water boy. Thank you, because not everyone has the balls to go and protect our country like that. Sure taking a life is awful and should never be practiced but it's something we're fighting for, it to protect us and I respect that. Also it's 11/11/11 11:11 and I'm making my grand wish. Only at 11:11PM though because I only believe in having a little ultimate power.

Today was a great day. I woke up up at 9:30AM in Jules' arms and made a peanut-butter and nutella toasted sandwich for the both of us, then took a shower, then went to go play BINGO. Yup, I promised Julian I would so we did. Grand ol' time


Fortunately this happened DURING the Veteran's day breakfast so most of the oldies in there were completely comatose non-veteran oldies so I felt no remorse in beating down an old person at (practically) their own game. For someone who has no older relatives (or relatives period) I found the people at Sunny Rise Retirement Home charming and timeless. Well, the people in the bingo room were realllllllly medicated so not them so much, but in the other rooms, much nicer folks. One was in WW2 and was reliving military tales to me...I think that's so damn cool! I wish I had grandparents who were like that. Or parents for that matter.

After that we went out to go see Jules' friend's show at the Panathon (where the picture of the day is from...aka a Heineken ad) which was FANTASTIC. I love going out to see smaller bands because there's no bs, it's just music. Wish bigger artists could be the same, The Strokes (I believe) stay true to that.