Thursday, November 3, 2011


NO MORE EGG POSTS! That doesn't mean the titles aren't going to be any less stupider. Staying at the theatre till 10PM every night is the worst, especially on Halloween. I have had no social life for the past week and I won't be having one for this one too. I got to wear my Halloween costume (Vlad the Impaler; thanks to Noel Fielding) at school and chased a lot of people around which was a lot of fun, but then it was straight to the theatre after that and into my Grand Duchess costume. (which is still forever changing, now my hair is on the other side, oy ve) Jules and I go to dinner now every night for my 45 minute break and picks me up after and I'm not gonna lie, being this distanced from him really sucks. I really miss him, and Nasim, and Ryan, and Seth, and Jason, and Noel. I see Nasim at school so that's good but Jules always wants to pull me out of class to hang out and I really can't miss anymore school than I already have. Dinner dates are a lot of fun though.

There's been a lot of drama going around the theatre with people hiding other's costumes and placing bricks inside briefcases to strain out the Hendersons's ridiculous. Grow up, these are professional actors and they're doing such childish things. I hope they read this so they can man up and stop the petty bs cause I'm sick of it. I'm also really fucking tired.