Monday, March 7, 2011

Given By a Genius

Trust is a funny thing. It truly is. People trusting is just humorous to me. I trust you. Have faith in me. Give me a chance. It's all tomfoolery. Maybe I say that because I grew up in a non-forgiving town where you learn to trust no one, not even yourself. And I want to trust people but it's just so easy for them to take that trust and turn it into something vile and evil. I'm definitely not optimistic on that trust issue. Maybe if I had parents I'd be trusting, but then again who knows. Especially for a person like me who lives in the media, trust is almost impossible to find. I mean look what happened to Miley, she trusted her friends that she could smoke salvia and not get in 'trouble' for it and she paid the price.

Trust sucks.

Oh, and Dear media,
This is in no way referencing to my relationship with any of my SNL cast members or anyone else at NBC. No occurrence caused this outburst of emotion other than what I was talking to Miley about. I have no trust issues with my friends or boyfriend. Calm yourselves.

Essenancas OUT.