Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2 {Miley Cyrus}

Today we filmed New Products (Kristen) and Disney Channel Acting School. Something I realized about this week's show. Miley isn't the musical guest, but she practically is at the same time, in three of this week's scenes she's singing...really writers? I find it hilarious and sad at the same time. Hilarious: They think she can't act. Sad: She's performing on SNL for a reason guys...I got to meet Miley today and she's really cool! Really really really ADD esque though. Seriously, it took us an extra hour just to film because she was just acting all crazy and what not. Reminds me of another host we had recently *cough* Gwyneth *cough* Paltrow....

I got a ride from Bobby after school with Nasim and Abby and when I got to filming I just ran into delay. I walked into the studio and my personal assistant (we all have one, I'm surprised I haven't talked about her before...) was just freaking out as usual. You know Kenneth from 30 Rock? Yeah take that times 20X. You know Dobby from Harry Potter? Take that -5. She doesn't harm herself on my behalf but she's pretty close to. She's tried to fire herself six times because she doesn't think she's worthy and because of all this stress she's put upon herself she's just become this terrible assistant. For example today I asked to get the make-up artist for me because I was about to film and she was flipping out again and got me the lighting director. Quite unhelpful. This whole thing happened with Jason to my right so I'm not sure if he's going to say anything to Lorne or not. I mean Casey is a sweet girl. But she really needs to CALM DOWN. Other than those things, filming went okay. The scene we did (Taran, Keenan, Paul, Bobby, Abby) was all about how ridiculous Disney Channel Acting is. Although a funny thing about the scene is that we had to put a wig on Miley so she looked younger because now she looks like a freakin' model. It's ridiculous.

Picture of the day is of Russel after the show was over, toodles!