Monday, March 28, 2011


Oh France how you have raped my blog, let's recap!

-I get back from California!
-Inappropriate Touch Tuesday's dominate my life
-I boycott EXs to just Xs
-Lykke Li on Jimmy Fallon!
-I figure out how to post videos on blogger
-IHS once on March 6th
-I get phone raped by NBC
-The media rapes Jules' and my relationship, again.
-My assistant gets fired
-Promo for Miley!
-Fab stops by at SNL
-Strokes and I go to Vegas!
-Miley Cyrus hosts SNL
-I nearly miss my SNL performance, as do the Strokes
-Jimmy, Parns, Paul, and I have a kickass party
-St. Patrick's Day!
-I get to finally be accepted into the Photoshoot
-Rebecca Black sucks
-Viva la Bam stops by
-Zach Galifianakis hosts SNL
-Our prompter gets fired
-The Strokes get back from Texas
-Fab and I go partying for the next 3 days to avoid awkwardness
-The Strokes play on David Letterman
-I give Fab his surprise
-Drew Barrymore hosts SNL

See you all after France, WOO!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


more mother fucking days till


This Weekend...

was INSAAAAAAAAAAAANE. I'll make a timeline.

8AM-3PM: School
3PM-5PM: Filming
5PM-7PM: Dinner party with Seth and his brother
7PM-9PM: Comedy Sportz Match
9PM-10AM: Sleepover at Nick's
10AM-1PM: Set construction fun at NBC
1PM-3PM: Swimming with Jules
3PM-5PM: Watch Tangled with Nasim and Paul
5PM-10:30PM: Hang out at Late Night
10:30PM-11:30PM: Freak out
11:30PM-1AM: Drew Barrymore hosts SNL
4AM-12PM: Sleep....
12PM-5PM: More contruction!

And that was my weekend.

Lykke Li at Jimmy's!

Drew Barrymore hosts SNL

Amazing show, great job to everyone... especially STEEL PANTHER. They played during the after show, and I definitely want to be their best friends, they seem like to coolest people in the world. IN THE WORLD.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 4 {Drew Barrymore}

Filmed Update and University of Westfield Online. I'm not in Update so I didn't have to skip school but I was in UoWO which is a really funny scene. It's all about how people have to lie about going to an online college because it's embarrassing. I don't necessarily agree on that point that they're trying to make because I too take courses online but it's a funny skit. I think Fab realizes something is up because he keeps coming by NBC to hang out with either Jules, me, or the both of us. I think he thinks we have a surprise for him and I don't have the heart to tell him that in actuality his ex-girlfriend of 5 years. And since I don't have the heart to tell him....I bought him a surprise to show him...I already told the rest of the Strokes but I got Fab a new drum set. Made by the drum gods. Gosh I am just too good of a person. By the way, when I go with the rest of the SNL cast and many others (Will Forte, Rachel Dratch, Maya Lorne Michaels, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Jimmy Fallon, Steve Higgins, the whole SNL writing staff, and various lovers and what not) I won't be writing on here everyday multiple times a day. That's 13 whole days of no posts! So in case you're really tired of reading my posts, you get a break! Wooooo, and in case you're super stalker ish and love reading these posts every day then I'm sorry! But no computer for me in France. I'd probably break it anyways. Or lose it, I'm really forgetful like that. I lose everything and Bill is always the person who finds it...creepy. There's going to be so many pictures from France you have no idea, and we're going to so many places in France too! Here's our itinerary:

Day 1
Departure from the United States. Depart Los Angeles Tue, Mar 29, 05:35 PM British Airways Flight 282. Arrive London (Heathrow) Wed, Mar 30, 11:45 AM. Depart London (Heathrow) Wed, Mar 30, 02:15 PM British Airways Flight 354. Arrive Nice Wed, Mar 30, 05:20 PM. 
Day 2 
Arrive in Nice, Queen of the Riviera. Meet your ACIS Tour Manager and transfer to the hotel. Dinner.
Day 3
This morning your Tour Manager will introduce you to the sights of Nice, including the Promenade des Anglais, Roman Cimiez and a visit to the Russian Church. In the afternoon, travel to Eze for a visit of the Fragonard Perfume factory. This evening stroll the streets of Vieux Nice.
Day 4
Leave the Cote d'Azur behind and travel into the beautiful region of Provence. En route, you will visit the Pont du Gard and the arena in Arles. Discover the history behind the city of Avignon during an afternoon visit of the Papal Palace. In the evening, further explore Avignon during a Culture Quest. Dinner and overnight.
Day 5
This after noon drive to Carcassonne, once home to the Cathers. Continue on to Sarlat for dinner and overnight. 
Day 6
This picturesque Dordogne Valley is your destination today. This morning drive to Rocamadour, a pilgrimage town built into the side of a cliff, for a walking tour with your Tour Manager. Stop at the Gouffre de Padirac for a visit before returning to Sarlat for dinner and overnight.
Day 7
Before you head North today and leave Renaissance Sarlat, visit the Lascauz caves. Then continue to the Loire Valley, the Garden of the Kings, to Amboise for dinner and overnight.
Day 8
The impressive chateaux of Chenonceau and Chambord are your highlights today. Wonder at mighty Chambord's double helix staircase and Chenonceau's dramatic Gallery, which spans the river Cher. Making time for a picture stop visit of Amboise's Chateau, which rises up on a bluff above the Loire River.
Day 9
This morning drive to Mont St Michel for a visit before continuing on to the walled town of St. Malo for dinner and the overnight.
Day 10
This morning drive to the D-Day beaches where you Tour Manager will help you relieve the incredible heroics of WW2. Visit the St. Laurent Cemetery. This afternoon, take a lesson in Impressionist Art as you visit Monet's resident gardens and home at Giverny. See the Waterlilly ponds that he made so famous as well as his blooming flowerbeds, with hues in every color. Continue to Paris, the City of Light, for dinner and overnight. 
Day 11
Find out the background and history of Paris' most famous monuments this morning on a guided panoramic sightseeing tour of the City. Notre Dam, the Arc de Triomphe and of course the Eiffel Tower all feature highly. Meal vouchers will be included for dinner tonight. 
Day 12
Full day activities organized by group leaders. Discover a new quartier, maybe Le Marais, with it's Jewish history and arcaded Place des Voges, or perhaps enjoy another of the city's wonderufl museyms and stop en route for a crepe on the street. One rountrup metro transfer per person is included today.

Day 13
Transfer to the airport for return flight to the United States. Continental Airlines Flight 33.

This trip is going to be so amazing, I'm going to write down every moment so that I'll have a full acount for  when I get back. Toodles for now!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

David Letterman

The Strokes played on David Letterman tonight! T'WAS AWESOME. C:

Day 3 {Drew Barrymore}

Gosh, Drew Barrymore is so damn nice. I can see why Fab was so in love with her. Yesterday they only had a 10AM filming of Vinny Talks to Drew-a skit they've done many times- and today I was on double filming with the Digital Short and Brenda and Shaun. I'm definitely more predominant in the Digital Short, which means I'm just an extra in Brenda and Shaun, but for the Digital Short we're doing an 80's work out video with Drew as the lead and Abby being her normal back up dancer, Kristen being the advanced one, and me being the lesser one. It's really funny because they're doing a girld-can't-do-anything type of video so the main work out is stepping and lifting weights, advanced being 5 pound weights, regular being pencils, and lesser being air. It's hilarious! I'm glad Akiva and Jorma are back in the swing of things.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2 {Drew Barrymore}

Fab is still unaware. However we had another close call today. He came into NBC again and we spent the whole day making pillow forts in my confined room. It was a sweet sweet success!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1 {Drew Barrymore}

SURPRISE! We hid her from the world until I ruined it for everyone because Lorne told me to. After practically having a photoshoot with the paparazzi after school today we started filming our 3PM filming and I did homework. School was really funny today actually. In my history class Julian showed up drenched from the thunderstorm we are having and played a few songs for the class at request of the teacher. T'was awesome, like this week's set list!

Monologue (Bobby, Kristen, Andy, Abby, Christina, Vanessa, Keenan)
Art Class (Taran, Kristen, Abby, Keenan)
Celebrity Ghost Stories (Andy, Christina, Fred, Paul, Keenan, Nasim)
Update (Seth, Andy, Bill)
Vinny Talks to Drew (Bill, Fred, Paul, Bobby)
Cooking Al Fresco (Andy, Bobby)
Digital Short: Body Fuzion (Kristen, Abby, Christina)
University of Westfield Online (Keenan, Fred, Nasim, Taran, Vanessa, Christina )
Libya Cold Open (Bill, Jay, Fred)
Brenda and Shaun (Christina, Andy, Fred, Abby, Bobby, Keenan)

I'm in a bunch of these! WOO! 5 scenes!! (they filmed Art Class and Cooking Al Fresco today by the way). Had quite a disturbing realization today. Drew Barrymore is Fab Moretti's ex-girlfriend. A girlfriend whom of which he stayed with for 5 years. If he knew that she was hosting SNL and was staying on NBC grounds for her stay he'd freak out. In a bad way. According to Nikolai (during our very few times we've talked) he regrets breaking up with her, but she's too proud to take him back. Considering the fact that she's dating Will Kopelman at the moment this could be a very bad week for Fab. It was 10:45PM when Julian slammed open my bedroom door

Aaah, who the fuck is that?
Oh hey. Come to bed.
No shit. Come to bed.
(jumping onto the bed he flips her over holding her down looking her dead in the eyes) DREW BARRYMORE IS HOSTING SNL THIS WEEK.
I know! What is your problem? It's like 11PM at night...
OH SHIT!! We gotta make sure he doesn't see her.
(jumping out of bed, CHRISTINA and JULIAN rush into the main room [I sleep in jeans 7/10 of the time so I was decent] they sit down on the couch directly next to Fab who is also with Nick who also didn't know about Drew being there) Hey Fab, let's go party. Let's go party right now.
Party? Nah man I was actually just gonna crash here tonight.
That's a dumb idea.
Super dumb. Let's party, the night is young.
Guys it's Monday. Don't you have school?
Yeah. But I wanna party. Let's party and then you can crash at Nick's if you're tired.
That's a good idea, (getting up) let's go do that.
Will you sit down man? I don't want to go out tonight.
(standing up she whispers something to JULIAN and then turns to NICK. JULIAN sits down) Nick can I talk to you for a second?
(confused by her seriousness he gets up and follows her to the SNL Residence Hallway) Why are you so persistent about us going out- (CHRISTINA and NICK pass DREW in the hallway, she says hello to CHRISTINA only. After she leaves to go upstairs, NICK turns to CHRISTINA in utter shock) Is she staying here? (she nods) We need to leave.
That's what I've been trying to say!
(still in shock) We need to leave now.
Let's go party.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Boys Come Home

They came home at around at 9PM and we immediately went out to go get some coffee downstairs. I missed them so much <3 hence my shitty shitty posts about nothing. I've never been apart from Jules for more than a day so their Texas trip was really lame for me. PLUS they had to give my ticket to this bitch who got to go with them and do everything with them. I could've killed her...sorry I am a really jealous person and I've been Julian deprived. 3 DAYS PEOPLE 3 DAYS. Here's a pic of Albert and Niko just being them. 


Every party I've ever been to has had that rating.

Zach Galifianakis hosts SNL

If you watched the episode, yes we fired our teleprompter man and our cue cards guy.

Viva la Bam

I got to be on TV today OH EM GEE. Ha ha, Bam Margera and his cronies came up to NBC today. In case you didn't know who Bam Margera is, he's a professional skateboarder and is also on Jackass a lot. He's basically the guy who's afraid of snakes, and of course he's heard of my blog so I thought I'd bring out my Celebrity Blog Posts back! Ladies and gentlemen, Bam Margera:

Yeah, hey wassup it's Bam Margera. We're gonna go have a party or some shit and tear The Big Apple a new asshole. For all of you reading this, this chick is fuckin awesome. She's like a cookie mold you give to people. It's crazy. Anyways I can't write a lot of shit cause we got stuff to do and whatevre so i know a lot of other guys wanted to post on here so yeah, DEUCE.

Hey, I know how psycho Christina get's when it's the same font but different person so I'll just change everything. It's Ryan Dunn, hey. I don't know what to say...stay in school. Although if you wanna be famous for doing stupid shit like me don't go to school, they don't teach the shit we do in school...peace in the middle east!

I'm gonna use this nasty ass yellow color. I'm brandon SUCK ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Hi this is April Margera, Bam mother. I just wanted to say hi to all my friends in PA, and SNL and Essenelle rules! Okay, they're yelling at me now bye now! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fried Egg Fried Egg

Yes, even I'm going to be talking about Rebecca Black's terrible song. Yes Rebecca Black, I am not a fan.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Many Days Till France?



Day 4 {Zach Galifianakis}

Today is St. Patrick's Day! Nothing too interesting about St. Patrick's Day except that I got to wear an obscene amount of green to school and I'm eating corn beef and cabbage for dinner tonight! Or as I like to view it, another first for the Essenancas duo. Whoop-de-whoop. Today I filmed the Corn Syrup Commercial, which was a lot of fun because I love working with Kristen and I really don't get to often. I think that's because Lorne knows that Kristen and I are quite the female power houses on SNL so that it'd be odd to have both of them in a scene, but this one we are head to head so it's pretty funny. They filmed Update today at 10AM and tomorrow I've got a full day of filming...Yay? Julian and the Stroke left this morning for Texas and I unfortunately didn't get to go because I'm not allowed to leave because I've missed too much work already. WHICH SUCKS. Another state I have yet to go to, all because of Lorne Michaels. Plus, since they don't have to be back for anything they're staying there for the next few days. Now I'm sad.

As you know Thursday is photoshoot day, and I finally got to lurk the photoshoot set! The cast is never ever ever allowed in the photoshoot set because of past experiences but Zach smuggled me in and it was really cool! The photographers are really...bitchy. Ever shot they find something to nitpick it's ridiculous. But Zach's really funny so they just kind of ignored the kid in him and went on filming random stuff. One of these days I want to be hosting SNL and be in that photoshoot room and I'll let the whole cast come in and'll happen...some day..........some day.....I miss Jules

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 3 {Zach Galifianakis}

It's a I'm joining...................the army.........................................................

Hey kids. And adults, I always say hi to the kids and not the adults. WEIRD. Anyways. I hung out with Seth Rogan today! Why? Because there was NO FILMING TODAY. Sad yes I know. I'm filming at 3PM tomorrow and all day Friday. Wooooooooo filming is fun...sometimes. By the way to all you Zach Galifianakis fans, he's the best. Can I just say that? He put up his photo today. Julian got a kick out of it

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 2 {Zach Galifianakis}

Today I had filming at 10AM (which is rare for me considering I have school, but the scheduling has been screwed up lately). We filmed Titanic at 10AM and the Digital Short at 3PM. It's about time we've had a Digital Short, Jorma and Kiev have been on leave so the shows have been lacking but I'm glad there is one for this episode. And it's so awkwardly funny, I LOVE IT. And Titanic is really good too and it requires a lot of special effects, water spouts, fog machines, the whole cast of the scene is on a moving boat. It's crazy. But I also LOVE IT.

Jimmy Double P 'Snell in da HOUSE

Jimmy, Paul Rudd, Parns, and myself had a party on the SNL first floor corridor. Oh my lord was it awesome. It was a super random thing, Jimmy and I were hanging out the other day and walked by Party City and thought it'd be cool if we could use some of that random stupid stuff. Then I was walking home from school today when I called up Jimmy, who was in the car with Parns and Paul and they picked me up and we hit party city in a big way. We got:

So yes, you could say it was a St. Patrick's Day Party. Although it was completely unplanned so we invited 100 people today, and guess how many showed up? 97. Conan, his wife, and Andy couldn't make it. But everyone else did. I guess since it was a party being thrown by Jimmy Fallon, Paul Rudd, Chris Parnell, and Christina Essenelle people felt obliged to go. So this party was crazy intense for a number of reasons, 1) we used all the people's rooms on the SNL first floor corridor and made them their own separate entities (which included my room the TV/Bar room), was a good night. BY THE WAY

I'm really into rainbow text this week. I guess I'm just really excited. SETH+STROKES=RAINBOW. So the whole party was an epic success but I just want to talk about one point of the night that was just utter interestingness. Paul Rudd's niece Caleigh (that's how you spell it, she spelled it for me several times) came to the party for about a half hour because she's one of my superfans who is just utterly insane. She has good intentions though, although I definitely caused a panic when she shoved me into my own closet. Seth Rogan found me though! Which was pretty cool cause I had never met Seth Rogan before. Here are some pics from tonight, Albert, Fab, Julian, some chick, Nikolai, Parns.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1 {Zach Galifianakis}

I am in no way excited to by typing Zach's last name 5 times this week. I mean REALLY. Amazing news for this week's episode

and 2)
The scene for this week are:
March Madness Cold Open
Scared Straight Program
Canadian Entertainment Show (me)
The Talk (me)
Comedy Tour 
Digital Short: Zach Needs a New assistant
Titanic (me)
Corn Syrup Commercial (me)

I didn't feel like listed everyone in the other scenes so I just listed myself. Today they filmed the Comedy Tour and Scared Straight Program. I don't know if you guys noticed but I rarely work on mondays. Keep that in mind.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Instruments of Boredom

Last night was definitely one of the better SNL episodes. I think it's because we were on break for so long that we just got our shit together and made a great episode. Here are two more Vegas Pictures!

Miley Cyrus hosts SNL

I unfortunately had to leave Las Vegas early before their second performance at the Chelsea Cosmopolitan, but for a good reason. SNL of course! My flight is at 4PM today, do you know how close that is cutting it?? That's a 4 1/2 hour flight plus a 3 hour time difference in NYC. I'm literally flying in when the show starts. Fortunately I don't have any luggage to pick up so I'll be running out and JFK is right by the city so I'll only miss the first 10 minutes of the show. God I hope there are no delays....The Strokes are cutting it even more close. They're taking a private jet so their flight will only be 2 hours so their leaving at 8. They asked the Cosmopolitan people if their show could start at 6PM instead of 8PM and that went well, although they had to send a mass phone/text/email whatever they did. That means the Strokes are gettting here at 1AM, I have no idea what we're going to do about that considering their first performance on SNL is at 12:45. Well, here's the line-up for tonight!

Duh! Winning! Cold Open
Our Time with Taboo and
Disney Channel Acting School
The Miley Cyrus Show
The Strokes
The Strokes
New Products
Cruise Ship Entertainer
CBS Gurney Month
End Clap

Oh boy was tonight full of a lot of's the ACTUAL line-up after the flight screw ups and what not.

Duh! Winning! Cold Open 
Baby Spanx Commercial
Our Time with Taboo and
Disney Channel Acting School
The Miley Cyrus Show
The Strokes
The Strokes

New Products
Cruise Ship Entertainer
CBS Gurney Month
End Clap

I got there about five minutes later than I expected hence the Baby Spanx commercial in put and all of the Strokes performance were done right at 1AM when they got there, so it was a little hectic backstage. With me being pounded with costume and make-up and hair people, The Strokes were shoving on guitar straps and costumes for their performance. Ittttttt was close. Lorne was about to cut my fucking head off when I arrived. And apparently the Cosmopolitan was a shitty gig. Ah well.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 5 {Miley Cyrus}

I finished up my filming at 12PM today and hopped immediately into the van with the Strokes for JFK. Our flight was at 2:30PM so we made it on time. And thus, I have TWO pictures of the day! First one is of Jules in front of our Cosmopolitcan Limo, second is of Niko, Fab, and Jules watching TV before the flight. Good day indeed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 4 {Miley Cyrus}

More filming more filming more filming....I had a lovely little Strokes day today. Nikolai and Fab came over and hung out with us at SNL. I got to have a little more bonding time with Niko right before we go to Vegas this weekend (just for the weekend), then it's Texas (yeah forgot to mention that one, just got my plane ticket today, March 17th) and then we're off to France (March 29th), then California (April 17th), Maryland (another one I forgot to mention [Ryan is literally reading off tour dates and is handing me plane tickets] April 30th), Louisiana (May 7th), Tennessee (June 9th), then (if Julian and I are still rocking our souls[a.k.a. we don't have plane tickets yet]) Portugal (July 16th), Spain (July 17th), and Japan (August 13th). That's a lot of awesome packed into one year, and there are so many more after Japan it's just Ryan doesn't know them yet. Nothing is ever confirmed with the Strokes they like to play things by ear. Without Ryan they'd still be in a garage. And I wouldn't be with Jules! That's be really weird. Picture of the day is of Fab in the writer's room wearing all the seat covers...gotta love Fab!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3 {Miley Cyrus}

Woah woah woah! Wednesday in the house! I got to be in the promo today for this week's episode with the Strokes. Miley and Keenan did one earlier (picture of the day mmhm). It was pretty funny our promo, it's just Miley saying the usual and then me saying "You know Miley I would've killed to be in your shoes right now" and she says "Who said I didn't" and then we all (including the Strokes) say "Miilleeeyyy". Gotta love that girl, ESPECIALLY JULIAN. I think Julian has a little crush on her, so I of course hate her. Ha ha not actually.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 3 {Miley Cyrus}

Woah woah woah! Wednesday in the house! I got to be in the promo today for this week's episode with the Strokes. Miley and Keenan did one earlier (picture of the day mmhm)

No Opposites of Sadness

Julian and I were here.

Day 2 {Miley Cyrus}

Today we filmed New Products (Kristen) and Disney Channel Acting School. Something I realized about this week's show. Miley isn't the musical guest, but she practically is at the same time, in three of this week's scenes she's singing...really writers? I find it hilarious and sad at the same time. Hilarious: They think she can't act. Sad: She's performing on SNL for a reason guys...I got to meet Miley today and she's really cool! Really really really ADD esque though. Seriously, it took us an extra hour just to film because she was just acting all crazy and what not. Reminds me of another host we had recently *cough* Gwyneth *cough* Paltrow....

I got a ride from Bobby after school with Nasim and Abby and when I got to filming I just ran into delay. I walked into the studio and my personal assistant (we all have one, I'm surprised I haven't talked about her before...) was just freaking out as usual. You know Kenneth from 30 Rock? Yeah take that times 20X. You know Dobby from Harry Potter? Take that -5. She doesn't harm herself on my behalf but she's pretty close to. She's tried to fire herself six times because she doesn't think she's worthy and because of all this stress she's put upon herself she's just become this terrible assistant. For example today I asked to get the make-up artist for me because I was about to film and she was flipping out again and got me the lighting director. Quite unhelpful. This whole thing happened with Jason to my right so I'm not sure if he's going to say anything to Lorne or not. I mean Casey is a sweet girl. But she really needs to CALM DOWN. Other than those things, filming went okay. The scene we did (Taran, Keenan, Paul, Bobby, Abby) was all about how ridiculous Disney Channel Acting is. Although a funny thing about the scene is that we had to put a wig on Miley so she looked younger because now she looks like a freakin' model. It's ridiculous.

Picture of the day is of Russel after the show was over, toodles!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Given By a Genius

Trust is a funny thing. It truly is. People trusting is just humorous to me. I trust you. Have faith in me. Give me a chance. It's all tomfoolery. Maybe I say that because I grew up in a non-forgiving town where you learn to trust no one, not even yourself. And I want to trust people but it's just so easy for them to take that trust and turn it into something vile and evil. I'm definitely not optimistic on that trust issue. Maybe if I had parents I'd be trusting, but then again who knows. Especially for a person like me who lives in the media, trust is almost impossible to find. I mean look what happened to Miley, she trusted her friends that she could smoke salvia and not get in 'trouble' for it and she paid the price.

Trust sucks.

Oh, and Dear media,
This is in no way referencing to my relationship with any of my SNL cast members or anyone else at NBC. No occurrence caused this outburst of emotion other than what I was talking to Miley about. I have no trust issues with my friends or boyfriend. Calm yourselves.

Essenancas OUT.

Day 1 {Miley Cyrus}

Blogger doesn't recognize Miley as a name, that's hilarious. After my whole NBC fiasco I figured out that they filmed Our Time with and Taboo and also filmed CBS Gurney Month. Neither of which I am in but both are extremely funny. I read the script for Keenan and Andy's scene and it is just perfect. I don't like Miley and Jay's part in it though, it seems a little over done after the second time. But whatever, Seth's choice not mine.  No good pictures for today's post.

Oh by the way Jimmy Fallon, I AM PISSED OFF AT THE FISH WE GOT. Coco and Quilliam just played dead on me and I told Nasim about it and she was like "Oh yeah they're dead" and then I just collapsed on my floor crying because those fish are practically my children and so I call for Julian to go flush them and he doesn't show up for 15 minutes and when he does he's just all "What are you talking about they're fine", I look in the bowl "OH YOU LITTLE FUCKERS"

Above the Opening of Light

Crazy occurrence just happened, so I was walking home from school with Julian and I realized that I hadn't looked at the filming schedule and my phone wasn't with me so I couldn't find out. So I fortunately remembered that I knew Seth's number off hand and called him:

Hey Seth it's me Christina.
Oh hey, did you get a new phone?
No I'm using Julian's, are you near the conference room?
No I'm at Denny's with Bobby and Nasim.
You're at Dennys...?
...damn. I need to figure out what I'm filming today, if anything.
I don't know who's up there...Oh Jimmy is, want me to forward the number to you?
Yeah that'd be great.
Alright it's sending.
Thanks a million, see you later Seth.
Hello, and welcome to NBC Universal, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York. If you know your party's extension please dial it now. If not, please dial the letter that your party's name begins with (CHRISTINA dials L for Late Night) You have either dialed J, K, or L. Press one for J two for K and three for L. (CHRISTINA pushes three). Press one for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, two Late Night with Craig Ferguson, three Late Night with David Letterman or four Late Night with Conan O'Brien. (CHRISTINA pushes one) We are rerouting you to Craig Ferguson.
Wait what?!
Late Night with Craig Ferguson, this is Gracie how may I help you?
Hi Gracie, I accidentally got rerouted to you when I needed to get to Late Night with Jimmy, is there any way you know his number?
May I ask who's calling?
Christina Essenelle.
Oh, hello Miss Essenelle! Sorry for the mishap we've been getting Fallon's guys all day. Let me just send you over....
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon this is Lisa.
Hi Lisa is Jimmy there?
No he's in a meeting at the moment may I ask as to whom is calling?
Christina Essenelle.
Well I'll tell him you called.
You know what, can you just route me through anyways? Have you seen those meetings? They goof off half the time.
I can't do that.
...well, can you get me Higgins on the phone?
Yes I can do that. Hold on one moment please.
Thank you.
And who is calling me at this hour aside from my wife?
Christina Essenelle Steven.
OH YOU. I haven't seen you in a while what's been going on?
Oh you know...SNL.
Yeah I saw the episode TWO WEEKS AGO, why have you been off?
We actually got time off for once.
Oh fun.
So, how much do you love me?
Very much, I've been bored all day. Let's go do something.
I need a favor from you Steve.
Ugh, what.
I was going to ask Jimmy to do it but he's in a meeting.
No he's just in a bad mood.
Jimmy?? In a bad mood??
Yeah I think him and his wife had a fight last night or something.
I love how you know this.
Here he's right next to me.
Hello to you too dear.
I'm pissed off what do you want.
Calm down, I need a favor.
(pause) what is it.
Can you go check if I have any scenes this week?
You don't they sent down the papers to our office by mistake.
NBC has been fucking a lot of shit up today, I was with Craig Ferguson before you.
Oh he's a great guy.
Well I talked to his assistant, your's is a liar.
I made her one.
Disturbing fact, but THANK YOU.
No problem, am I seeing you this week?
Sure if you'll come to dinner every now and then.
I have a family.
Yes, now have friends.
I'll think about it, talk to you soon.
See yah.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

IHS Once Today

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I love it. I mean how could you not want to? And boy do I want to, every waking moment of EVERY DAY.

It hurts to not see him when he's working or I'm working. But the fact that I go to sleep next to my favorite person in the whole wide world is so comforting that I never want him to leave.

And I'm not just saying that because IHS Once Today. I'm saying that because we're been SIU ALL WEEK.  Jules an hour after it today.

Death is Difficult in the Sunlight

Miley Cyrus hosts this week with musical guest THE STROKES. I love when they are the musical guests. It's just makes the show even more awesome. And with all the coverage about Miley Cyrus, she might need them. Here are the skits!

New Products
Cruise Ship Entertainer
Miley Cyrus Show
Our Time with Taboo and
Duh! Winning! Cold Open
Disney Channel Acting School
CBS Gurney Month

And yes I know my recent blog posts have been titled by the parallel to Angles track listings. I think I'll just have a post after the Days {}s thats one of the song names. Speaking of days, I have to take my SAT and ACT soon. Who's excited?? Not me. Picture of the day is of Adam Green and Jules in Scotland looking sexy on the bus. So glad Adam went with us he was really funny and just fun to be around.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm A Little Wrong


Love that song, thank you Nikolai. You know what I figured out today? We're going to France during Taran and Albert's birthday. It's really cool to spend your birthday in another country, although Albert's not going I will be celebrating it with Jules in France. Maybe we'll call him or something. By the way we're all going to France in 24 DAYS. LET THE COUNT DOWN INITIATE. Oh last night the whole cast (minus party pooper Seth) went to Buffalo Wild Wings in Brooklyn. Jason and Bobby go there a lot and so they made us try all these buffalo wings that were different levels of spicy (14 levels I believe). I'm no spicy fan, I just cannot handle the spice so when they shoved a level 14 blazin' in my mouth I had tears in my eyes. The wings were so spicy they came with a warning label saying I could get heart failure or something equally ridiculous. So, let the countdown initiate for my intestines to explode.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Zee Set de Essenelle

Day Late Friend by Anberlin pretty describes my relationship with Tyson. That and The Last Song by the All-American Rejects. I FOUND A VIDEO BUTTON! So here's SNL just being...well...SNL. Sorry for the angle...I'm sending a hidden message to all of you. Enjoy!

Sound Check!

Julian and I are down at sound check for Lykke Li at Jimmy Fallon and it reminded me that I haven't brought up Jimmy in a while! We're doing good, I see him at dinner and around the building and what not, but I haven't really hung out with him since Kristen and Fred's wedding. Which is lame, but I'm hanging out with him now so I should probably get back to that...picture of the day is of sound check!