Sunday, July 21, 2013

Property of NBC

Marky-Mark is in the house! And he told me not to call him that so I won't. Sorry Marky-Mark Wahlberg.

ANYWAYS, after the tour of the Essenelle-Lawrence-Cooper-Ritter household we got started. First we just went over the lyrics because it's a rap so it's a little bit harder to memorize, my part's easy though. I just sing half the chorus and then I sing half of two of the verses (Top of the pole for those who know the song). Mark is so good! He sounds phenomenal. We didn't record today just because we wanted to get it down pat and I also added a few dances and what's cute.

I do realize that some younger people may look up to me and I realize that this particular song talks about Flo Rida giving money to all these prostitutes that give him oral and he also gives them oral...BUT I am 23 years old (3 years older than twerking, salvia smoking, photographed nude Miley Cyrus) and I think singing this song is okay, it's got a good beat, sounds great, just has an interesting message. Mark and I don't care what you do but don't be a prostitute cause that's illegal.

Now that Mark and I have the lyrics down we're heading on to the dance-well tomorrow we are. Tonight we got take out Chinese! Yum.