Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 7 {Maui}

Our last full day in Maui! Poor us. Anyways, today was AWESOME! All of us woke up at 7AM, got breakfast, and drove in separate cars (obviously) and went north to this hotel and we all went jet skiing!! I've never been jet skiing before so this was especially crazy for me. Between the 15 of us we decided to rent out 8 skiies and then after the first half hour we'd switch partners so that we rotated the person who had to ride alone. I first rode with Jen, I was in control, and then I rode with Bradley and he was in control- the single rider was Bobby and then Chris. It was so much fun, I caught some big air with Jen! When I was riding with Bradley it was a lot nicer because there wasn't as much water spraying in my face. Bradley and I decided that once we get home we're going to have a fancy dinner party, more news on that tomorrow.

After jet skiing we all got in the pool/got lunch/slept in the cabana (<--me) and then at 5PM we headed outside to go to this grand luau! What an amazing experience, they had places where you could buy hand-carved tikis and custom designed jewelry, my favorite was the guy who was hand braiding these palm fronds to make fishes and flowers for people, for free! Bradley gave me a rose, what a gentleman. This is of course before he started getting upset over the prospect of everyone leaving tomorrow. He's been having such a fun time with the SNL crowd that he considers them all good friends, and it truly does suck to see them go. But that's life, I've definitely come to terms with that recently. I think he's also starting to realize that in August I will have to go back to NYC to do SNL and he can't live with me there.

The luau had a main event where there were hula girls dancing and (I wanna say hula guys but I know that's not the correct term...I'll just call them hula guys for now) hula guys stomping to the stories of how Hawaii/Maui came to be. All accompanied by some great music. There was one part in the beginning where they ask a representative from each table to learn the hula...we sent Seth, it was hilariously embarrassing. If you haven't seen the pictures all over the internet then you probably don't have the internet.

THE BUFFET WAS TO DIE FOR. First off, they start the "dinner ritual" off with the uncovering of a dead cooked pig that was buried in the dirt for quite some time, it's a little disturbing but the smells are fantastic. Then at the buffet you get to eat the pig...oh my was it delectable. During the show it started getting dark and everyone who -on the trip- was in a relationship was cuddling with their partner. Kristen and Fred, Jason and Olivia...I was kind of jealous. They all looked so happy, it was cute but I was definitely jealous. The best part of the dance ceremony had to be the end with the guy who does all the fire tricks (I feel like this person has a title but I can't remember it). Especially once the lights dimmer it was quite mesmerizing-and very romantic for those who had someone.

Afterwards some of us got drinks at the lobby bar, but Bradley, Jen, Bobby and I all went to bed-we were exhausted. As I am now. Night everyone.