Friday, November 1, 2013

Currently Acting Like I'm 80

I got surprised with sushi from my wonderful boyfriend Bradley because apparently he clogged the toilet and it overflowed and ruined some of my clothes to the point where they had to be thrown out. Ha ha, whoops. Oh well! I'll get new clothes for Christmas or something.

Bradley and I were talking yesterday and (Happy Halloween!) I'll be spending Thanksgiving in Philadelphia with Bradley, his sister, and his mother. I'm VERY excited! And apparently so are they, it's like gaining more family members, something I'll never be against.

Still no surprise from Ed yet...but we'll get there...hopefully. OH OH! In January you can expect the next installment in Celebrity Game Night! This time with new cards, same people as always, who doesn't love us idiots ;) but it'll be a birthday edition! Bradley, Jason and Ed all have birthdays in April (Bradley will be 39, Jason will be 34 and Ed will be 40 [SAY WHAT!? I KNOW!!]) So I'm excited, we're gonna do it on the 16th because the last time we got all of us together was because I was super bummed in LA and oscar nominations come out on the 16th so...we'll either be celebrating or drinking away our problems. It'll be perfect! And since our schedules are all so crazy, that's why we have a specific date. So we can all be at the same place at the same time. I hope we all get Oscar nominations, that'd be insane. Plus if I won an Oscar, that'd mean that Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo will have to take two shots next time I'm on the show. Ha ha, I'm excited nonetheless.

Night ya'll