Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 3 {Dana Carvey}

Okay folks sorry for the lame posts, but I've been depriving myself of my blog so I can have a really awesome one today filled with awesome and awesome. "Why is today so awesome Christina?" well curious questioner I'll give you that answer: UNDER. COVER. OF. DARKNESS. Need I say more? Exactly, no. It was amazing, we had a huge party at Albert's house in upper NY and it was just awesome and awesome and AWESOME. Download it for free via or listen to it on youtube. EITHER WAY LISTEN!

The Strokes gave me a little private showing of Under Cover of Darkness and let's just say it got really intense at the end. The second the song ended I tackled/straddled Julian. End of story. Oh I love my Jules...oh and by the way folks who watch TMZ no I am not cheating on Julian via the guy I met at GameCon so that's the end of THAT. We're just friends and GameCon was the one time we hung out so...yeah. Besides Julian is way better than that guy. Julian is...well I'll save that all for Valentines Day I suppose. I day I have been planning for EVER.

I have yet to explain how freakin' nice Dana Carvey is. He is such a sweetheart and is probably one of the most kind hearted men in this city of bastards. No offense NYC. Although he's really self-critical, like when we were filming Church Chat if he messed up a line, instead of just going with the flow he'd have to stop and collect himself. But hey that's probably why he's brilliant. OH a really cool thing about this show, we were originally going to have Taran dress up as Mike Meyers but then again what'd better than an impression of Mike Meyers? THE REAL MIKE MEYERS!