Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1 {Russel Brand}/Valentines Day

OOOOOOOOOO LORDIE LORD COOLEST DAY EVER. Okay so everyone reading this who goes to school with me knows that I was absent today, why? Oh no biggie Julian and I just went to Niagara Falls for a cuteness convention. AHH I LOVE YOU JULES. 6 months of awesomeness and not a moment of shittiness. So we left for Niagara Falls at around 10AM and got there at around 5PM and the drive was a lot of fun too. Why? 1) It's Jules, we sit in a car for years and not get bored of each other and 2) Epic playlist. And when I say epic playlist I mean EPIC PLAYLIST. Literally every single song that we knew all the lyrics too we just blasted in the car and if there was a stoplight we would roll down the windows and scream the music at people. Awkwardest stop-scream was definitely the black guy who knew the song we were singing and sang along; it was a Celine Dion song. Don't ask why Julian knows the lyrics to a Celine Dion song.

When we got there it was still light out and since it's February, the Maid of the Mist was closed but the observation deck was open so we checked out the falls that way. We stayed until it got dark (which was about 30 minutes of waiting time, so us making-out for 30 minutes. Tmi? Yeah I thought so too. And then all the lights went on the falls and it was just wonderful. We went to dinner after that and did stuff and then we drove back to NYC. Made back home just for 3AM. Oh the whole Niagara falls thing was his gift to me and my gift to him was awesome as well. I gave it to him yesterday though, so I brought my piano all the way down to the parking structure near NBC where Julian has his car at all times and I played him a song I wrote on the stairwell near it. I told him the echo-eyness would make the sound of the piano and my voice more cool and he bought it. Then midway through the song I started laughing saying I couldn't go through with it and I brought him down the stairs and showed him his new motorcycle. Aw yeah, our relationship is FATE. The picture of the day is most certainly Julian on the observation deck lookin' sexy as hell. Enjoy kids, happy Valentines Day. Wear a condom.