Monday, February 28, 2011



-Jesse Eisenberg hosted SNL
-Fred got into Portlandia
-I get lazy
-Dana Carvey hosted SNL
-I go to Niagara Falls for Valentines Day
-I get letters from my family
-Russel Brand hosts SNL
-I get news that there's no SNL for two weeks
-I go to California with Julian for fun
-I meet Warren and his wife Amy
-I leave California


Day 6 {California}

Oh California I'm sorry to leave you but I must! We've had some crazy times haven't we? Oh California...I'll be back! In fact I will because the Strokes will be playing there in like...a month. Anyways, so the plane left at 1:30 and so we should land at around 11PM. The picture of the day is of Julian getting reading to leave the Hilton (mystery solved stalkers!) See you later California.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 5 {California}

THE ACADEMY AWARDS WERE AMAZING, TRULY STUNNING! In case you didn't get to see the wins, here they are!

Best Film Editing
The Social Network
Best Visual Effects
Best Documentary Film
Inside Job
Best Short Film (Live Action)
God of Love
Best Documentary (Short Subject)
Strangers No More
Best Costume Design
Alice in Wonderland
Best Make-Up
Best Sound Editing
Best Sound Mixing
Best Original Score
The Social Network
Best Supporting Actor
Christian Bale
Best Foreign Language Film
In a Better World
Best Original Screenplay
The King's Speech
Best Adapted Screenplay
The Social Network
Best Animated Feature Film
Toy Story 3
Best Short Film (Animated)
The Lost Thing
Best Supporting Actress
Melissa Leo
Best Cinematography
Best Art Direction
Alice in Wonderland
Best Picture
The King's Speech
Best Director
The King's Speech
Best Actress
Black Swan
Best Actor
The King's Speech
Best Original Song
Toy Story 3

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 4 {California}

The picture of the day is from our hotel, Jules is just laying around. This was taken right before I jumped on him. I'm a jumper.....hehe. I'm very excited for tomorrow Julian and I are going to the Oscars at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. Thanks for the tickets NBC! Oh just a little news on whats happening back in NYC, Kristen and Fred did not get into the Newlywed Show because they want to do a celebrity episode but don't have enough celebrities to do so, Abby and Bill are enemies again (this is what Nasim says so that most likely means that Abby is mad at Bill and Bill doesn't even understand what's going on), Tyson was in town! I forgot to mention that, yeah Tyson was here for a few days and we hung out a lot. But he left literally the day I did. And onto today: today we went to the Hollywood Sign and we checked that shit out and then went to the Wax Museum which was honestly really creepy.



Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 3 {California}

Today Julian and I woke up at 11AM to bed in breakfast and left almost immediately for Universal Studios. We went on all the rides and even got our faces painted. For dinner we went to the city walk and even got a souvenir token from MAGNET WORLD. The picture of the day is of Jules at dinner, God I love him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 1 {California}

Our flight to LAX was at 7:30AM on Virgin America was very good. The take-off and landing were very well executed and I was asleep for 60% of the flight, the other 40% I was playing games while Julian slept on my shoulder. After we landed at 11:00AM we went to go get a rental car which was a big fiasco. Apparently we had made a reservation and they lost the car or something, anyways I got to yell at them in a very Alec-Baldwin-on-30-Rock kind of way. Fortunately I brought my laptop so I can give you the full update as to what's going on here. It's 12PM now and we're not doing anything today except that we're going out to dinner with his friend Warren Fu and his wife. The ride to our hotel was hilarious just because I've never been to California and there are palm trees EVERYWHERE. Literally there are no other trees other than palm trees. And their houses have different roofs.

It's 11:30PM here and the dinner with Warren and Amy was great! Amy's a doll and is really sweet, an artist she says! Warren is very funny and nice and is also an artist (and I've seen his art too), him and Julian were mainly talking through out the night. But it was a nice dinner! We went to Arturo's (an Italian restaurant) and got SO MUCH FOOD! So I had a very good day. The picture is of Julian getting of the plane when we were segregated by the overflow of people. Toodles kids!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011






here's a casserole

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sad Face

No SNL this week...SAD FACE!! This is our "break" from work. I think we have next week off too...SAD FACE!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 3 {Russel Brand}

Not Wednesday you say? I beg to differ.



Honestly, this kid gives gays a bad name. Ugh, come on people.

Russel Brand hosts SNL

Here's the line up for tonight!

Cold Open
Filmed Bit
Digital Short
End Clap


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 5 {Russel Brand}

Big day today! We've got a huge match up in Buffalo, New York for the Improv Team. I'm very excited for it, oh and a lot of SNLers are going and Julian, Albert, and Nick are going too. We're taking a plan because it'll take a while to drive up there...more yeah. Homework is obstreperous this week, hence my use of vocabulary. I've been on the set of 30 Rock a lot this week. I love Tina Fey even more now, I've just been so nostalgic about Alaska that I've been sort of stalking Tina. Probably because we have the same name. Christina and Tina TO THE RESCUE! Oh weird fact about this week, there's no digital short because Jorma and Akiva are gone because of...presidents day...heres there photo of the day...Nick and Albert looking cool at the Improv Match.

Day 4 {Russel Brand}

Oh it's going to be an awkward episode I can just FEEL IT! I just filmed my scene with Russel today...oh it's weird. Lots of sensual touching and kissing...speaking of sensual touching and kissing. Check out the picture of the day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Letters from my Family

I received 2 letters from 2 kids I used to live with and they were so astounding I cried halfway through them. They could never write before, and now they can...that's incredible.

By the way


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2 {Russel Brand}

Oh am I loving this week's episode. Russel Brand is just the funniest guy in the world. He speaks extremely fast so it's sort of hard to understand with his accent but I get it at times, oh and he's extraordinarily sexual, but he does talk about his wife Katy all the time which I think is adorable. Today we filmed A Spot of Tea and Vacation Give Away (which I am in) which was fun but like I said when we were filming Emma Stone I don't like that skit because it requires me to look like a moron and the host to be boring as hell. Sure it's my job to look like an idiot but when the host looks like they aren't having fun then the audience feels awkward and then I feel awkward. Bad series of events. I just don't like that scene...bleh. I'm going to go complete my homework. Toodles! Jimmy says hi by the way...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1 {Russel Brand}/Valentines Day

OOOOOOOOOO LORDIE LORD COOLEST DAY EVER. Okay so everyone reading this who goes to school with me knows that I was absent today, why? Oh no biggie Julian and I just went to Niagara Falls for a cuteness convention. AHH I LOVE YOU JULES. 6 months of awesomeness and not a moment of shittiness. So we left for Niagara Falls at around 10AM and got there at around 5PM and the drive was a lot of fun too. Why? 1) It's Jules, we sit in a car for years and not get bored of each other and 2) Epic playlist. And when I say epic playlist I mean EPIC PLAYLIST. Literally every single song that we knew all the lyrics too we just blasted in the car and if there was a stoplight we would roll down the windows and scream the music at people. Awkwardest stop-scream was definitely the black guy who knew the song we were singing and sang along; it was a Celine Dion song. Don't ask why Julian knows the lyrics to a Celine Dion song.

When we got there it was still light out and since it's February, the Maid of the Mist was closed but the observation deck was open so we checked out the falls that way. We stayed until it got dark (which was about 30 minutes of waiting time, so us making-out for 30 minutes. Tmi? Yeah I thought so too. And then all the lights went on the falls and it was just wonderful. We went to dinner after that and did stuff and then we drove back to NYC. Made back home just for 3AM. Oh the whole Niagara falls thing was his gift to me and my gift to him was awesome as well. I gave it to him yesterday though, so I brought my piano all the way down to the parking structure near NBC where Julian has his car at all times and I played him a song I wrote on the stairwell near it. I told him the echo-eyness would make the sound of the piano and my voice more cool and he bought it. Then midway through the song I started laughing saying I couldn't go through with it and I brought him down the stairs and showed him his new motorcycle. Aw yeah, our relationship is FATE. The picture of the day is most certainly Julian on the observation deck lookin' sexy as hell. Enjoy kids, happy Valentines Day. Wear a condom.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dana Carvey hosts SNL

He did...he did...and I got to meet his sons! Which seem to be almost my age! The older one that is. OH as for who's to host when, next week we have Russel Brand (!) and Chris Brown, then we have a week off, and then it's Miley Cyrus with The Strokes for the musical guest!! Very excited about that, the band is already talking to Seth about being in some of the skits. The picture of the day is of Albert sleeping in the airport.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


That was day 4 by the way

Cheshire Cat

Alice and Wonderland was okay. Never saw the original.

Day 3 {Dana Carvey}

Okay folks sorry for the lame posts, but I've been depriving myself of my blog so I can have a really awesome one today filled with awesome and awesome. "Why is today so awesome Christina?" well curious questioner I'll give you that answer: UNDER. COVER. OF. DARKNESS. Need I say more? Exactly, no. It was amazing, we had a huge party at Albert's house in upper NY and it was just awesome and awesome and AWESOME. Download it for free via or listen to it on youtube. EITHER WAY LISTEN!

The Strokes gave me a little private showing of Under Cover of Darkness and let's just say it got really intense at the end. The second the song ended I tackled/straddled Julian. End of story. Oh I love my Jules...oh and by the way folks who watch TMZ no I am not cheating on Julian via the guy I met at GameCon so that's the end of THAT. We're just friends and GameCon was the one time we hung out so...yeah. Besides Julian is way better than that guy. Julian is...well I'll save that all for Valentines Day I suppose. I day I have been planning for EVER.

I have yet to explain how freakin' nice Dana Carvey is. He is such a sweetheart and is probably one of the most kind hearted men in this city of bastards. No offense NYC. Although he's really self-critical, like when we were filming Church Chat if he messed up a line, instead of just going with the flow he'd have to stop and collect himself. But hey that's probably why he's brilliant. OH a really cool thing about this show, we were originally going to have Taran dress up as Mike Meyers but then again what'd better than an impression of Mike Meyers? THE REAL MIKE MEYERS!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Julian is a workaholic. Fortunately he is a workaholic whenever I'm working so, we balance each other out! Yeah I say this because when I was sitting on my bed doing nothing I was wondering to myself "Where is everyone..." and then I remembered that it's sunday, everyone is doing nothing, and they're doing it alone. Except for Jules who's writing his little heart out. OKAY so the host of the week is Dana Carvey (Garth from Wayne's World) and the musical guest is Linkin Park (ah-maze-ing!!) And thanks to our brillant writers the set is done early: here are this week's scenes:

Pageant Preview (Andy, Nasim, Abby, Vanessa, Keenan, Kristen)
Wayne's World Cold Open
Sports Bar (Fred, Paul, Taran, Jason, Bill)
Teen Crisis Hotline (Kristen, Taran, Nasim, Christina, Bill, Keenan, Jay, Paul, Fred)
Monologue (Bill, Christina, Andy)
Church Chat (Abby, Nasim, Vanessa, Bobby, Bill)
The Roomate (Andy)
Bad News Commercial (Abby, Christina, Kristen, Vanessa, Bobby, Paul, )
Update (Paul, Kristen)

Picture of the day is of Jules because I'm bored!

Jesse Eisenberg hosts SNL

Parns birthday lunch was not...crazy. I figured it'd be a little insane but instead it was mellow. Probably because we've got a show tonight and stuffs. Plus Tina couldn't go. Which was suckish.

Here's the line-up for tonight!

Michelle Bachmann Cold Open (Kristen)
Monologue (Mark Zuckerberg, Andy)
Estro-Maxx (Bill, Keenan, Bobby, Paul, Fred)
Mister Wizard (Christina, Abby, Keenan, Bill)
Herb Welch (Jason, Bill, Keenan, Andy)
Digital Short: The Creep (Andy)
Update (Seth, Keenan, Fred)
Bride of Blakenstein (Jason, Keenan, Jay)
MTV Skins (Andy, Paul, Nasim, Abby)
Spa Talk (Christina, Vanessa, Bobby, Abby, Keenan)El Shrinko (Andy, Kristen, Vanessa, Nasim)

The funniest part of the show was definitely the awkward Mister Wizard scene, I think there was a point where Jesse panicking and he refered back to the original script including a kissing portion but I backed away and he then realized that he was doing something wrong. But talk about being creepishly into it...So there was definitely some end clap weirdness tonight. It's cause we had to stay up there, when clearly a lot of people didn't want to be up there because of the madness about to come from Chris' birthday and from the fact that a bunch of people were iffy on the whole "Jesse Eisenberg" thing. Understandable, I mean I think he's cool but yeah he's a little freakish. No offense to you Jesse fans.

I'm so glad we had a mellow lunch because the after party, WAS CRAZY.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Even though I say Portland ORE-EH-GONE instead of ORE-GIN I still say you should watch Portlandia with Fred Armisen. It's funny, whimsical (there's a five dollar word for you kiddies) and [woah...kiddies is a word but woah isn't??? Come on computer...] I highly recommend. That's all!

Day 5 {Jesse Eisenberg}

So yesterday they filmed Update and Herb Welch (Herb Welch is a repeat so I don't need to explain) and today was the last thing that needed to be filmed. And boy was it interesting. The last of the weird sexual undertone scenes, Mister Wizard is a children's show on Nickelodeon. Which makes the fact that there even IS a sexual undertone even more present. The scene starts off with Bill explaining static electricity to four kids, Abby, Keenan, Jesse, and myself. The four of us are split up into two groups Keenan and Abby in one and Jesse and I in the other, and we're all given balloons. Then Bill informs us to rub the balloons on ourselves and if we want to our partner. Keenan and Abby portray the perfect bunch of kids who rubs each other's hair and arms and then Jesse and I started rubbing our genitals. Yeah talk about doing multiple takes...OH talk about doing a scene that is suppose end in a wild make out session of passion and then be changed after 5 TAKES because Jesse was TOO INTO IT. Ugh, I'm mad and glad at the same time. Yay-Ugh.

It's Parns (Chris Parnell) birthday tomorrow!! So to celebrate we're all going to watch a rousing episode of SNL together! Just kidding during the day we're going out to lunch and then we're (when I say we're I mean a lot of the old cast, myself Kristen, Seth, Bill, Andy, Jason and Fred) having a super awesome-er after show cast party for him.Tomorrow is also the Comedy Sportz team and I are going to Gamecon in Oswego, New York from 8AM-4PM (just in time to make it back for Chris's birthday thing...) which is really exciting because that means I get to improv with people I've never met before! Yay...the picture of the day is of Kristen and Fred at the VMAs. Fred is the only one who cared to look at me...thanks FRED.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 4 {Jesse Eisenberg}

I'm going to make this post short because I have to go to sleep, school=fun, filming=me not in it, filming tomorrow=me in it, talent show with Bobby, Nasim and Abby=funny+fun


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 3 {Jesse Eisenberg}

Today they filmed The Digital Short (which I hear is creepy as hell [that's literally all they said]) and The Bride of Blackenstein which features our musical guest as well (because it's a black scene and we only have two black actors...) I'm not exactly sure why they would even do a scene that was based on black people if the host is white, it just drags more attention to the fact that NBC hasn't casted a lot of blacks on SNL. The racial tension is almost palpable...

I was out and about today. Fab, Jules and I went to the theatre to go see a movie but then realized that all the movies there sucked so we went on Madison just to walk around and Albert caught up with us there. Then I had a practice for the improv team so I went to that which was fun, but also very intimidating. I don't know why but whenever I'm improving with my SNLers it's intimidating. Maybe it's because I'm going against the greats like Bill and Jason...The picture of the day is from Nick's house the other day, it was when we were all congregating in Nick's room for no apparent reason and this cute little photo was the product. Now I'm off to do homework...goodnight!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 2 {Jesse Eisenberg}

Good day folks! I have for you a reason as to why Jesse is not fond of Paul and therefore not fond of Nasim (Bobby doesn't really like him either). It's because way back in the day Paul and Jesse got called back for a certain part in a show and they were the only two left before the final cast and basically there were some harsh words said between each other and in the end Paul got the job and apparently the scenes Paul and Jesse have together this week are just awkward and tense. Apparently because of this a lot of Paul's lines with Jesse were cut to save an awkward conversation. Last thing we need on our hands is a fist fight on stage...

Today we filmed Estro-Maxx and Spa Talk. Estro-Maxx is the commercial of the week and that one is about men who are so busy that they can't take multiple hormone supplements a day and need one big one for the whole day. Again, sexual undertone. Spa Talk I believe is the only non-sexual undertone sketch we have besides the monologue, Update, cold-open, and one scene. It's about a healer who calms people down by putting animal poop on their faces. Sometimes I wonder just how the writer's come up with that kind of stuff...I'm having my weekly dinner-at-a-Strokes-house dinner tonight and it's in Julian's room so that should be fun. The picture of the day is of Will backstage before he left....with a mustache on.

There's been a crazy ice storm these past few days in New York and I'm so so very fortunate that I'm in a cozy bed for this insane winter. I've never seen so much snow in one winter it's ridiculous. So the dinner at Jules' was great! The theme was formal so we got some good tomato sauce on our nice formal wear. He made lasagna (really the only thing he can make [just pastas in general]) and it was a grand ol' time. Everyone slept over as well and we played Championship Othello after we learned how to play it. Nikolai won....bastard. It's nights like this that make me miss that European tour even more.

(finishing his dinner) So let me get this straight...Julian cooked this?
Wait actually?
Yeah wasn't that what we were suppose to do?
Yeah but this is actually good.
We just assumed Christina would cook.
Thank you stereotypical man.
Oh come on, we've known Jules for a while, he can't cook.
I tried real hard this time.
(giving him a kiss on the cheek) and you succeeded.
God, fuck you guys and your perfect relationship.
(giving ALBERT a kiss on the cheek) It's not our fault you choose dike-y bitches as for girlfriends.
My balls have never been the same.
I know. (they look at each other with much confusion) what the fuck!?
That was fucking weird.
I can explain.
(laughing) Really? Cause for you it's usually hard to explain.
(throwing his napkin across the table at CHRISTINA) oh my God make another cheesy Strokes reference, I dare you.
Yeah, I'm not really one to be trying my luck tonight.
One more... and I'll have my way with you.
Oh come on Nick I'm barely legal. (they all start laughing except for NICK and he threw spaghetti directly in CHRISTINA's face. She is stunned and everyone goes silent) You know Nick, when it started it was funny but now things aren't under control. I mean yeah I'll try anything once but just ask me anything and you'll know the last thing I want is food in my hair, so it's red light on this situation. (groans) Julian can you meet me in the bathroom? I need help getting this out. (she walks to the bathroom to a round of applause from the other 4 Strokes and she enters for a moment before she returns with toothpaste and squeezes it into NICK's hair. He gasps for a moment and then gets up to chase CHRISTINA around the apartment. The other 4 Strokes get up and cheer them on from the table and it ends up with Nick tackling her on the couch. CHRISTINA is exasperated) The end has no end huh?
(exasperated as well, he leans into her neck and whispers in her ear) Damn girl, I wanna dance inside your star. But I'm too far gone and it ends tonight. Why worry, if you change your mind I know you'll find your way back to me. At 11:11 time stands still so don't leave me because I believe in happy endings.
(laughs in disbelief) How did you know I would understand what that meant.
You spent an awful amount with Tyson while he was here.
I'm no cheater.
Yeah that's what Sarah said, but your heart is an empty room, and I know someday you will be loved, so for now I'll possess your heart and we'll have our movie script ending where soul meets body.
You're truly amazing, but how did you know I would understand that one?
That one was because I'm a good friend.
Rock it baby!
You're a good friend too.
You're helping me get this shit out of my hair.
Great, now GET OFF ME. 

The Strokes Reference
The All-American Rejects Reference
Death Cab for Cutie Reference
Bob Marley Reference