Tuesday, August 7, 2012


And boy do I need some soma. As you probably know The Strokes can't work in the city because of me probably and so they left for California a week ago. AND I AM DYING. Dying not only because of the mountains of work I have but because next week is the summer bash festival at NBC they have every year (I wasn't home for the last two) and it's a lot of planning for the older players and I'm writing a lot of next year's sketches because they asked me to because Seth has been away for a lot of this summer and I can write a mean scene. But Jules isn't here. And it breaks my heart cause I miss him. But I'll see him soon, September 28th is when I'll see him again. He'll be in NYC for that weekend and then I'm flying out to him the 6-9 of October. He's gone for so long because they're working on their next album and need to crank it out with no distractions.

And I have one coping mechanism. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He's been in town for a while now because of the new Batman movie and he's been great! Yeah we've been just hanging out...went swimming today and walked around the city doing nothing special. He's funny, he's teaching me how to drive...since I do not know how. I'm pretty lame I know, but I did just get my permit!! WOO! That's pretty stellar. Then we went back to my place and watched Casablanca (I know...Jules) because I've never seen it before and that is of course a travesty by itself. He's a good dude, you'll be hearing a lot more about him soon.