Saturday, August 18, 2012


Now that that celebration is over, onto a new celebration, first episode of the SNL season will be on September 22nd! Musical guest and host is still TBA but no worries, the cat will be out of the bag soon enough (or when we have one!) I had a wonderful night last night, I hadn't done anything all day so I called Joe up and we ate dinner together and then had a few glasses of wine and watched the first episodes of the second season of Design Star. We had a lot of fun, I fell asleep after about midnight 30 and I'm not sure when Joe fell asleep but I kicked him awake about...15 minutes ago! (it's 12:44PM right now for your information) Now he's just lazing around my apartment and Design Star is still on. I love Design Star.

I'm not really doing anything today so email me some ideas!

Bye everyone!