Thursday, August 16, 2012

Long Distance Can and Will Work

I truly believe that with all my heart. 23 months ladies. It's almost been 2 whole years. Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) has been here hanging out with me, he's a nice guy follow his tumblr. Let's see what did I do today...I woke up at 9AMish then did nothing till around 11AM and I made ramen since I was out of cereal, I was going to make tea but I had no sugar tea. Then I went to the book store and got a few books, tacks, and stickers. Then I went to the supermarker and got cereal and I'm gonna go eat dinner with Nasim and Tina (but thats in a half hour) and after that we're watching Friends in Nasim's room. WOO! I'm not exactly sure what Joe is doing right now but I'm sure he's having fun.

And if Zooey is reading this; stop fucking texting him and leave him alone. Your friend-zone bullshit is annoying and no one thinks its cute you're torturing this poor man.

Anywho! My week has been chaotically busy, we've been having a NBC team building week so there have been teams from the different shows and what not (well not all the shows only The Office, Parks and Rec, SNL, The Today Show, and Community) and all the teams had team names and team themes;

SNL- Hahalarious- fairytale
The Today Show- Double Ts-dinosaurs
Community- Neighborhood-camping
The Office-CoffeeMate-traveling
Parks and Rec-The Destroyers-space

We've been doing lots of activities and have been getting lots of free stuff, it's been a lot of fun and I've actually met a bunch of new people. Since Kristen and Andy are gone our team was only 14 big (Taran, Christina, Nasim, Kate, Vanessa, Seth, Bill, Kenan, Fred , Jason, Bobby, Jay, Bobby, and Jimmy) and so us along with the Double Ts were pretty small groups. Fuckin' Parks and Rec was huge. They were the loudest and craziest with everything. So after the days went by Hahalarious got 4th place overall (1st place in attendance though!! and 3rd at the Dance off!) Double Ts got 5th place overall, Neighborhood got first place overall, CoffeeMate got 2nd place overall and The Detroyers were third overall and in congeniality CoffeeMate was the winner! Crazy fun, and theres more to come, night everyone