Tuesday, August 28, 2012

and introducing... CHRISTINA ESSENELLE

The sky's the limit...no wait the stars...is there a limit?

I've honestly never felt so accomplished in my entire life. Everyday I used lived in poverty and hardship, I lived a life of crime and filth. I would steal, lie, cheat, and do anything to get food, water, and proper shelter for myself and my family/friends. I thought when I first met Seth Meyers and he brought me to Alaska with the original (original to me) SNL cast that that was the greatest thing that would ever happen to me. I got a new life with new people and more importantly, a new home. Made new friends, met Jules, and for the first time ever I was just worried about myself and not the 14 other kids around me. When I got signed on for a featured role in The Mighty Boosh and in The I.T. Crowd I thought then that those shows were the best that I could do, the experiences I got from those two shows were incomparable to any other occurrence I've ever experienced. I met Noel and Julian B. and Rich F., and Mike and got to be on the Graham Norton show and Never Mind the Buzzcocks with Trevor Moore another dear friend I still get coffee with to this day. And on I.T. Crowd I got to work with Rich A., and Chris and Matthew Berry the funniest human being alive to this day. BBC became home to me! Then came Broadway and my time on the big stage acting for thousands of people a week... And now after this crazy ride of SNL cast members leaving and myself writing scenes for SNL...I can officially call myself a movie star. That's right folks, Christina Essenelle just landed her first movie. And it's a big one.

I unfortunately cannot tell you what the movie is, what character I play, or what it's about, but I can tell you what other actors are in it, who directs it, and what type of character I play. So! I am the leading lady (for my first movie! I know!) with red hair (I'm dying my hair, I know I'm excited), Joe is the leading man, Matt Damon is the leading antagonist, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, Amandla Stenberg, and Jesse Eisenberg to name a few, director is Chris Nolan. My first movie is being directed by Chris Nolan, so, yes I am very excited.

I actually got tricked when first hearing that I got the part. On Sunday (today is Tuesday) I got the call from Chris (my audition was Thursday) that I did not get the part. I was devastated but cool, calm, and collected. It was understandable I mean, this was a big role and I'm just very inexperienced. He said that I did a very good audition though. So as I was walking home I called up Julian and Joe (me and my Js...) and said what happened and they were also upset, however, when I got back to my room Joe was waiting for me by the elevator and hugged me saying that it was okay that I was upset, and when he opened the door to my room a big "JUST KIDDING" erupted from the entourage of people that were there. The cast was there, the executives were there, that devil Chris was there! SNL people were there as well as Jimmy and Lorne and Amy and Tina...it was wonderful, all these people had come together just to congratulate me on my first big time job. Then we all were quiet as I skyped Julian on the big screen TV in the lounge/living room and he was so happy for me. All of the Strokes came out and said congratulations (even Nick) and...it was bliss. Joe shouted to Jules that I had to die my hair red and he was shocked at first but okay with it cause I could just die it back. Lorne was shaky on me doing this job but he knows more than anyone that I can handle two or three jobs at once! i.e. Broadway, SNL, and Boosh. It's been a lot of working getting to this point but I got to send a show out to my man Joe because without him I wouldn't even have gotten the job. It ended up being between myself and Emma Stone for the role and honestly Emma was a higher contender because she looks more like the characters (hair, eye, and age) but in the end it was the relationship between myself and Joe that made it more real for Chris to film. I cannot thank everyone enough for getting me to this point in my life.

I'm gonna be on the big screen ma!