Monday, September 23, 2013

And the Emmy goes to...!

This morning we woke up to the doorbell, it was our formal attire fitters, hair stylists, and make-up artists. Bradley and I decided to stay in opposite ends of the house so that once we got all of our stuff on and we were looking good it would be a surprise. The dress/hair/make-up people got to the house around...11AM? Yeah, 11AM, and I didn't get fully done and ready till 2PM. Bradley was done by 12:30PM and was taunting me on the other side of the house with good TV and food being delivered to the house. Bitch.

The reason why it took so long to get me all dolled up was because of this dress! Georgio Armani dresses are to die for and this one is GORGEOUS, but it is so freakin delicate! And God knows I'm no delicate flower. So this dress (for those of you who didn't happen to see it) is all black, sweetheart neckline and mermaid style, then at the top is black lace flowers that become sleeves and then that also follows down my back. So to get in this dress I had to squat (this is in heels by the way) and put my arms up while Lisa (my lovely helper) gingerly put the dress over my head and put my arms through the extraordinarily fragile sleeves. Then for the neck they had 4 little black buttons so I could get my head through the hole and once that was accomplished I could finally stand. That itself took about a half hour, but it took another half hour just to figure that method out. Oh, and before all this another half hour was spent on getting me into a corset. So we're at 12:30PM already, then I got my hair done, an hour, and then my make-up, a half hour. 2PM! But once I stepped out of my side of the house and saw Bradley in his tight tuxedo, sexy tousled hair and manly stubble, I could've fainted right then and there.

(mouth agape) Oh my God!
You look unbelievable.
Me!? Look at yourself! 
Christina, you are obscenely beautiful.
Aww. Ya cutie.

And after watching some TV and eating sushi, we headed out to Hollywood and Highland! Bradley stepped out first and then helped me out of the limo, it was an immediate bombardment of cameras flashing and people shouting things at us. Bradley, the pro, just put his arm around my waist and smiled, I did the same. We got there around 4:15PM I believe. Then we did pictures on the CBS/Emmy backdrop and then we mingled with others we knew there. I got to hang out with Jane Lynch, Amy, Tina, Kristen, Bill, Will, Alec, Ellie, Ed, and many others. Got to say hi to Bryan Cranston (one of my first SNL hosts), honestly I hope Breaking Bad wins ever award possible, that show has brought me to tears and makes me scream with anticipation in almost every episode. ALL THE AWARDS TO THEM. 

Oh Miss Essenelle! Let me interview you!
Ha ha, sure! I know how this bit goes.
Oh ok, but I can't give you any of my expensive tequila.
Drank it all already?
Ha ha, no, none for you!
Fine! Ask me your questions. 
You excited! Mr. Jimmy Kimmel is here as well. 
Yeah I just saw him, I'm surprised he didn't take you as his date!
Me too, that's why we have the tequila. Ha ha!
Ha ha, right! 
So what you wearing?
What I wearing? Georgio Armani. It's gorgeous isn't it?
Yes you look very lovely Miss Christina.
(BRADLEY walks over with MELISSA MCCARTHY) Who's lovely?
(points to CHRISTINA) Her! Hello Mr. Cooper, Miss McCarthy!
(to CHRISTINA) You haven't drank any of his tequila have you?
No he won't let me. 
Oh shut up, hey Melissa by the way.
(gives CHRISTINA a big hug) I'm so proud of you! Your first nomination and my GOD this dress is stunning on you!
Aw thanks! You don't look to bad yourself.
Oh please, Bradley over here was just telling me it took you 3 hours to get ready!
This dress is skin tight and I really don't want to rip it.
God no!
So yeah I think 3 hours is appropriate!
Mr. Franco! Mr. Franco!
(everyone turns and sees JAMES FRANCO who is looking very out of place, MELISSA blows CHRISTINA a kiss, mouths the words 'good luck' and walks off, BRADLEY whispers in CHRISTINA's ear that he's going to say hi to AMY POEHLER, and leaves CHRISTINA with GUILLERMO and JAMES) Uh, hey how's it going.
You don't look so good.
(hitting GUILLERMO's shoulder) Guillermo!
What! Not ok? Ok. (GUILLERMO then sees BRYAN CRANSTON and runs over to him, they both laugh)
I guess I'm not important enough.
Ha ha, you're fine. Have we met formally before?
I think so, I've seen you around NBC before when I did Mindy Project and 30 Rock.
I'm sure I've seen you somewhere.
So you won an award.
Oh no I didn't win an award I got nominated for one.
Who won the award?
We don't know yet the show hasn't started.
Oh...I'm sorry I'm a little-
Ha ha ha, yeah.
Ha ha, that's fine. You don't seem too obvious.
(smiles) Sure. You live in California now?
No I'm in New York still, gotta be there for Saturday Night Live. Do you live here?
Yeah I live in out in Palo Alto.
Oh cool, cool. 
Hey listen, I'm having a thing at my house tonight after this if you wanna come. It'll be a pretty small crowd but a lotta fun. You should go.
(BRADLEY comes over with AMY who hugs CHRISTINA excitedly) Oh-hey! 
Ha ha, stop! I'm just nominated. As are you!
Eh, so what, I'm so proud! (she hugs her again)
Hold on, (to JAMES) Hey do you want to give me your number and I can text you later what my plan is?
(reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone) I'll text it to you, what's your number?
(takes JAMES' phone and puts her number in and hands it back to him) Ta da! I'll text you!
Alright, you look great tonight by the way.
(puts arm around CHRISTINA's waist) You do look great (he kisses the side of her head) let's head inside.
After you Mr. Cooper. Bye James! (JAMES' waves goodbye) 

At around 4:45PM, after being complimented on "locking down" Bradley, we headed to the Dolby theater. I don't know how but Bradley got Ellie (Kemper), Ed (Helms), and Jimmy (Kimmel) to sit next to us but he did and I'm so happy to cause they were such emotional support. After watching the opening video and a few quick jokes from veteran hosts, we got started on the awards and oddly enough, my category was first! So they announced the nominated actresses and a clip went along with each and it was Amy and Tina who were presenting this award! So Amy then says:

And the Emmy award goes to... (she excitedly screams and jumps up and down)
Who? (looks at the card and also screams and jumps up and down)
(throws her fists in the air and screams, everyone is clapping and cheering and BRADLEY stands up to give her a big hug, then she hugs JIMMY as well and he kisses her cheek, she then hurriedly power walks over to the stage) Don't fall! 
(she turns around and gives BRADLEY a thumbs up. After climbing the stairs AMY and TINA give her a huge hug and hand her her Emmy, CHRISTINA goes to the microphone) Oh my God I'm already crying. If someone told me five years ago I'd be in Los Angeles receiving an Emmy I would've told them to lay off the crack pipe. I mean this is just unreal! My first award show and I won...and I know I'm really young and I promise you all, I won't ever pose naked with a wrecking ball. (the audience laughs and applauds loudly) I just have one shout out to give and that's to Seth Meyers, without him I probably would be posing naked on a wrecking ball. Seriously Seth, you are a God among men and I am forever in debt to you. (holding up the Emmy) Thank you all so much, I won't let you down! (everyone stays standing and applauding for a moment and then sits down)

It's funny, I prepared something to say that was pretty funny but I chose to ad lib, here's my original speech: "Wow! You know the past few weeks people have been asking me "Oh what're you going to say if you win? You should say this!" and they would say something ridiculous and I'd be like "Yeah ok" but now I present to you, the tidbits of advice three of my friends told me to say here tonight: from my good friend Jennifer Lawrence "I'd like to thank Dr. Romaz for doing my boob job, I didn't think it'd take this long to get an Emmy but hey, titties take time." Bradley Cooper told me to tell them  "I'd like to thank my parents for supporting me through all the tough times" and my comedic inspiration, also known as Jimmy Kimmel told me to say "tell them you only got the Emmy because it's being aired on CBS and they owe you one"
but in all seriousness thanks to everyone who made this possible and god bless. " That was my original speech but I decided to keep it nice and heart felt. I'm still so shocked I mean, MODERN FAMILY DIDN'T WIN!? Crazy! My Emmy pool did pretty poorly actually, I only got 8 right out of 28. Awkward...but again...thank you to everyone who voted, SNL never wins awards for their characters but today I did. Ya'll are amazing and I meant what I said, I will NOT let you down! 

Stay Classy.