Monday, December 29, 2014

Winter Tour {Day 3}

Early morning start for 2 Girls 6 Voidz. We left the resort at 8:45am for an eagle tour on a raft. BY THE WAY, IT IS FREEZING HERE. AND CRAZY WINDY. I was wearing two pairs of socks, rain boots, ski pants, long sleeve shirt, massive jacket, hat, and thick as hell gloves and I was still cold! But hey, I'm not gonna complain about cuddling with Jules :)
As we were driving an hour to this river we were to pick up two couples that made last minute reservations, can you guess who? Albert and Justyna and Nikolai and Illy! So we divided up our group into Strokes and Voidz (Jules and I with the Strokes) and floated down this frosty river. It was Albert and Justyna in the front (Justyna, also known as the girl who asks 10,000 questions as Albert attempts to hush her) Nikolai and Illy in the middle and Jules and I in the back. It was a lot of fun, we were on the water for about an hour and it was super sunny out. Lots of eagles! The water was particularly low so at times we'd get stuck on these rock bars and one we got stuck so bad we all had to jump up and down to try and unstuck us, it was pretty funny. The Voidz boat was taking pictures of us haha.
After the river tour we got back to the cabin we started in and ate some homemade chili and brownies and tea...super nice. Plus there were blankets there so Kesha and I were happy. I'm sure the boys were cold too but they were too manly to say anything about it ahah. After we were so tired that we all fell asleep on the bus back to the resort. Honestly, I'm really happy that Nikolai and Albert are here. It's like the gang is getting back together and it makes me really nostalgic for our European vacation/tour, that tour rocked. All I need is Nick and Fab here...why aren't they here...I'm still baffled that Albert got married and I had no idea. I mean, Nick had a house party not too long ago and Justyna wasn't there nor was mentioned! And apparently they dated for like 5 seconds and then got married wearing regular clothes like...what the heck. She asked me in the car how long Jules and I had been together, all together, and I, after much calculation, said 2 years 10 months and she gawked at me so confused as to why we would be together for so long and not get married. Well, sweetheart, not everyone get's married right off the bat, I am 24, cool it. 
Anywho...Jules and I had a chocolate strawberry making class after our animal tour and it was adorable and I FORGOT MY CAMERA! ME! I was so pissed, Jules and I were in chefs jackets and aprons and everything it was DAMN cute.   our chocolate bears and reindeer 
We took a break after that to 1) have the Voidz go do an interview about their cancelled tour and 2) couples to have sexy times [minus me >:O] and 3) have me take a nap while I silently and bitterly wish Jules were with me. Although having a huge bed to myself is definitely a new feeling. Jules and I used to share a twin bed when we were first dating! Upgraded to a queen shortly after our first month together. Anywho, I got a big bed to myself, I watched Harry Potter 4. 
Dinner was with everyone at this massive steak house and we celebrated all of us being together. Here are some pics! Good night!

 Nikolai and Illy at dinner
Jules, Albert, Justyna, Devonte Hynes, Warren Fu from Albert's instagram

 gross up close Albert at lunch