Sunday, December 28, 2014

Winter Tour {Day 2}

 Albert and his beast.

 S&M Pooh and Bondage Albert

 Whip Boy Nikolai

A long day in Whistler Canada today, but a wonderful one. It started at 8am for Beardo, Alex, Jake, and Amir but for Jules, Kesha, Jeff and I it started at 10am; a lovely sleep in. The Voidz boys went skiing and the four of us were supposed to go snowshoeing but it got pushed up from 12:45 to 2:30 so we had to cancel. So instead we went swimming and Jeff went shopping for some souvenirs. I like Jeff! I met him when Jules was touring for Phrazes and he's just a really nice guy. A little shy but once you get to know him he's quite funny. Kesha is actually really nice, and her real name is Kesha! I thought it was Allison or Ashley! Whoops. Oh well. She's what I would like to refer to as the college roommate I wish I had. She's down to party but also down to stay in and bitch about the shitty concierge guy.Yeah I hope you're reading this concierge guy, we're looking at you ALLEN. 
After swimming we took a break and got to shower and "nap" in our respective private rooms. Kesha and Alex are in the room right next to myself and Jules. Beardo and Amir are sharing a room (not a bed) across the hall, and Jake and Jeff are right next to them. We all went to this fire and ice show in the city center at 6pm and it was phenomenal! There were fire dancers and these skiing/snowboarding daredevils that went down a hill and into a ring of fire (that took a hilariously long time to light) and then fireworks that WE MISSED BECAUSE BEARDO AND AMIR WERE TOO HUNGRY TO STAY AND WATCH. I was so pissed, but sad pissed to make my point more prevalent. I just frowned and pouted at everyone who would look and then Jules gave me a million kisses on my cheek and promised we'd watch YouTube videos of fireworks when we got home. Btw, the hotel/resort is gorgeous. Christmas trees everywhere, pool inside that goes outside, fancy food and gluten free food for Kesha. It's really nice! Everywhere outside looks like a postcard, and the snow is THICK.
While we were watching the pro-athletes I hear Jules go "What! Hey m-" and then a pair of hands wrap around my eyes. I try and logic my way out, "Wha-okay, someone Jules knows well enough to say hello on his own...but someone who knows me well enough to put their hands over my face...Fred?" he says "No...." and then I recognize the voice immediately, it's Nikolai! From the Strokes! I love Nikolai and with him is his wife Illy and Albert with HIS WIFE JUSTYNA. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. They got married while Jules and I were broken up and didn't have a big wedding! Apparently the wedding was so small it was like a get-away marriage. Justyna seems nice! I don't know her at all so can't really know for sure but Albert is definitely crazy about her so...good for them! 
By the way, I've been getting quite a few emails about when the Human Sadness video and I Like The Night song will come out, and I'll tell you this, the could be released now but they will be better if they wait. Jules and the Voidz are tinkering with a few details and once it's perfect they will release. I promise you, it is in the works and I HEAR YOU, just be patient. I haven't seen it either so I'm just as crazy anxious as you are. 
After dinner at this fancy Italian restaurant The Strokes boys and girls wanted to still hang out and dick around town; so we went to the only shop that was still open. A sex shop. Pictures say all. Goodnight my loves :)