Monday, December 2, 2013

Nightwing Premiere!

My first movie premiere...something I've never experienced and might not experience again, let's hope I don't screw it up.

This break in Philadelphia has been perfect, it really has. Thursday was Thanksgiving and I spent the early morning helping Gloria (Bradley's mom and an Italian) cook in the kitchen and at around 3PM Bradley's sister Holly came over with her nuclear family and ate with us. It was really nice, we played games, people won money (not me I'm a terrible card player) and the FOOD was to die for. The only thing I could put my name on was this trifle (I think that's how it's spelled, but it was basically this giant bowl of layers upon layers of gingerbread, ginger snaps, pumpkin pie, and whipped cream...yum). They also had their neighbors come over for dinner who were also nice. I don't know it just felt so...home like. It just worked, I don't know the feeling did.

The next day Bradley's family and I went to his extended family's Thanksgiving! An even LARGER amount of people and food and there was a PUPPY THERE...AAHH! Super cute puppy, there were moments of strength shown at that party since I did not end up stealing him. I think Bradley's family has extraordinary taste in homes because once I get a real house I'm going to contact them, it was like Martha Stewart had swept through their home and changed it into this amazing Better Homes & Gardens paradise. Truly beautiful. After dinner Bradley, Gloria, Holly and her family, and I left because Bradley and I had to make an appearance at some other party in Philly, which also ended up being a lot of fun. I met some people who really thought everything I said was comedy gold (which was nice, made me feel like I'm not falling behind with these new featured players on SNL) and played some Dictionary and ate some cake. Sadly I had to leave the next night to California where I currently am...flight was good! After watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (GO JEN GO!) Bradley and I went to the airport and left saying goodbye to Gloria who couldn't have been more hospitable if she tried. I'm gonna miss her! And Holly too, ugh, I hate goodbyes.

But, hello Los Angeles! The premiere...was intense. EVERYONE I've ever met in my LIFE was there, wearing gorgeous dresses, complimenting me on my Zuhair Murad dress, and giving me kisses of congratulations and just being the nicest human beings possible. Yes, Julian Casablancas was at the premiere because I invited him, we want to be a part of each other's lives, just not important parts. Once I was finished meeting and greeting everyone (I got to meet all of the Avengers cast! Thanks Scarlett Johanasson and Robert Downey Jr!) we all headed out to the theater to watch the film, I was sitting in a row where Bradley, Jimmy Kimmel, Lorne, Nasim, Jen, Tyson, and Elena were all very close to me and when my first scene comes on screen I can't help but duck and cover. It's so weird watching yourself perform, especially when it's on such a big screen! But once my first scene was over all of my close friends grabbed me and shook me in excitement. There were parts in the movie where I'd look over to Jen and see she was crying, which was such an amazing feeling because I cried while watching her in the Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Such an amazing feeling to know my acting moved people to tears. During my climax scene everyone in my row had their hands over their mouths in awe, and I couldn't help but laugh. Ah, my friends are dramatic.

Once the movie was over it was like I was a new puppy in a house of little kids. I was swarmed almost immediately with compliments and people showing tear stained faces, I couldn't handle it, the movie was such a success that Bradley and I barely saw each other because people were tearing us both away to congratulate and praise. I think the best compliment I got was from someone I was scared of seeing ever since I first heard he was coming to the premiere: Christian Bale

(extending his hand for a handshake) I'm Christian, and you were a delight to watch.
Oh my gosh, thank you! It's such an honor to meet you. You have no idea.
(laughs) You're here with Bradley, correct? We did a film together.
American Hustle, I know! I'm excited to see it.
Yeah, anyways, just wanted to tell you that, I, uh, was really moved by your performance.
Wow (she shook his hand again, for goodbye) Thank you, again.

I mean...wHaT!? I was so star struck. I can't Ha ha, anyways, the night really was perfect...and now the interview madness begins least I get to see all my favorite hosts this week, starting with Conan and then onto my love Jimmy Kimmel (and boy do we have a surprise for you), SEE YA!