I got so many wonderful things for Christmas this year, I always feel weird receiving so many gifts, it's like my friends are trying to make up for the first 20 years of my life or something. I finally gave Nasim this gift I've been working on since June, a cross-stitch pattern of two wolves on a snowy bank. So ridiculous. I got a lot of clothes, more cross-stitch patterns, socks, tights, scarfs, I got that new J.J. Abrams book (really more like 2 books), an umbrella, a LOT of make-up, money, gum, scratch-offs, head phones, and stuff for my new apartment (oven mitts, hand towels, bath mats, shower curtain, more picture frames (yes!!), kitchen scrubbie thing). I'm sure there's more but I can't think of it right now. One thing that I did get was a cross-stitch pattern on pillow cases, so I'm basically making my own sheets now, CALL ME MARTHA STEWART.
Does anyone else listen to classical music while looking at pictures or reading? I love it, and if I may recommend a song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNFL4Mz2ISY or anything by David Lanz (cristofori's dream, nightfall) all amazing to listen to. The link up there reminds me of when I used to play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time at a friend's house. Anywho, Merry Christmas from Bradley and I both, hope everyone is warm and happy!
Oh, and go get that pussy oN THE CHAAAINNN WAAAXXX!!!!!11