Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Coco Crazed

Did an interview with Conan O'Brien today! On the show it was me and Craig Robinson (funny guy from The Office and new movie The End) and apparently Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson couldn't make it to their next Monday interview so they did theirs today as well! It was nice to see Vince again (he hosted SNL about 4 weeks ago) and I've never met Owen Wilson so it was nice to meet him. My God, for any of you reading this that have been on the Warner Brothers lot...it is big. But not only is it big but Conan tapes so far from the damn entrance that it's like a maze of 20 miles just to get to the damn sound stage. Ridiculous, but also a lot of fun.

I arrived to Burbank at around 2 o'clock just to be a little early and talk to Conan about things to say and what not...I've missed him! Conan is such an awesome guy and it's always great to see him again. (fuck you leno) We immediately picked up from where we left off and went to the props room to play with all the different props from previous celebrity interviews. Andy has gotten funnier since I was last on the show, seriously! He's a lot wittier. I'm not sure how that happens, but Andy's quicker with that silver tongue of his. He accidentally cursed on the show tonight, silly Andy.

Here's my interview with the lovely and talented Conan O'Brien:

Please welcome my next guest who you know from SNL as the girl in the cast who will literally do anything for a laugh; it's Christina Essenelle! (crowd cheers and applauds)
(turning to the audience) Wow! (she waves at the audience then sees that CONAN is squatting and has his arms out in front of him, she takes off her heels and jumps into his arms, CONAN spins her around once. Afterwards she runs back to get her shoes and sits next to CONAN, the applause stops) I missed you!
I missed you too! So you're in L.A. now.
I'm in L.A. now-well for the summer at least.
That's exciting, so are you doing any shows or films around here?
No, just hanging out.
You're just hanging out?
I know that sounds ridiculous but yes, I'm just hanging out. Sight seeing and what not. I went to the L.A. Zoo the other day!
Well that's fun, did you see anything cool?
Oh yeah there were tons of animals and I counted: seven different schools brought like 30 eight year-olds.
Wait. Seven different schools brought a lot of eight year olds or  seven different schools brought 38 year-olds. (the audience laughs
Just a lot of grown men in school is what I'm saying. 
Oh good. 
You know all day today I was looking around my back every 10 seconds to make sure you weren't behind me with a camera crew.
(laughs) For those of you that don't know, I-on two separate occasions, followed Christina Essenelle around, even went to one of her classes with her, and she didn't notice for at least an hour each time.
The first time it was 3 hours.
I usually don't notice a 7 foot skeleton behind me either.
Well that's just because you're used to it.
True. (the audience laughs
But in all seriousness, you're here in L.A. not promoting anything but you have to be doing something to keep you busy here.
Yeah, no I am. Basically I've been working with a few comedians/writers Monday through Thursday from 10 to 3 and we're thinking of either doing a TV show or something of that sort. Maybe we'll write a stand-up set who knows, I just wanted to be busy and funny this summer.
And what better way to do it. 
Yeah, I've written comedy before just not in an actual office setting.
So what's it like, do you all just sit at a table and make each other laugh all day?
It's actually pretty quiet in there. We'll put all of your jokes into the google doc and then every now and then you'll hear a chuckle and then someone say "good joke, Essenelle". 
They call you Essenelle?
Yeah, it's pretty funny too cause I feel like I'm representing all of Saturday Night Live just by having that as my last name.
SNL now lives in Los Angeles. 
Live from LA it's Monday night!
(CHRISTINA and the audience laugh) Exactly. I don't think I'll change it though. Maybe if I get married.
Well what if you're shamed off the show or something and you still go around with Essenelle as your last name.
SNL robs bank. (the audience laughs)
(to ANDY) That would literally be the only way I would be shamed off the show. I've got tenure, man.
(laughs) You said that like you were ending a rap song, "fifty dollar hummer limo-I've got tenure, man" 
(laughs loudly) Fifty dollar hummer limo?!
Isn't that what they rap about nowadays?
Conan you're too white for this show.
Apparently so. (CHRISTINA is still laughing) Well I can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come talk to us.
Of course! I love hanging out with Big Red. (the audience laughs as CONAN looks at the audience with disgust)
(pointing to the curtains) OUT WITH YOU!
(giggling) Sorry. 
Ladies and gentlemen, Christina Essenelle! (the band starts playing and the audience is clapping and cheering while CONAN and CHRISTINA whisper to each other on the couches)

Thanks again to Conan for having me! Loved every minute, night folks!