Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Blast!

I was chatting with old acquaintance and beautiful lady Drew Barrymore on Monday at this Memorial Party I was invited to. I went with Jen and it was a lot of fun but I think the most fun was catching up with previous rap-mate Leo DiCapio! We chatted for a while and danced a bit and caught up on what we were doing since Leo was on SNL. It was nice to see him again, he's a nice guy.

Jen has been living at Casa de Essenelle for the past week or so and it's been great! I've recently taken up making people birthday presents so for Nasim's birthday I'm doing something crafty for her. I do realize that her birthday is in November but by the time I finish this ridiculously large project it will be November. But it's funny, Jen is crocheting me a scarf out of boredom and so we just crochet and cross-stitch together on a couch while the TV is on---we look like we're 80.

This morning Jen woke up with extreme tooth pain (that of which she's had for the past week) and so finally she got her butt to a dentist and it turns out that she needed a root canal! So she got one of those today and now she's resting and is hopped up on advil and tylenol and what not. Poor kid.

Yesterday Jen, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone and I went to the L.A. Zoo! It was so much fun, so freakin' hot though! Got some good pics, bought a picture of the four of us together, overall it was a wonderful day at the zoo. And I love hanging out with people I haven't seen in a while; and Ryan and I have this kind of friendship that's even though we haven't seen or talked to each other in a while we'll still understand our wacky types of humor and still be goofs together. I missed that dude.

Have a great weekend peeps!