Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 2 {Maui}

What a long and great day! Since I'm a little jet lagged I woke up at 7:30am and got breakfast with Bradley and Bobby (after some coaxing...that boy is always sleeping). Jen and I are staying in a room together and Bradley and bobby are in the room attached to ours. After breakfast the three of us went to the pool, got wristbands and towels and placed all of our things in our super-cabana! Since there are about 16 of us we figured the super-cabana would be the best choice. It's got a tv too (which is nuts). After that we met up with Nasim and Jason and they (plus Bobby) went paddle-boarding and Bradley and I went kayaking! Every now and then we'd all get together with our different aquatic vehicles and relax. The water here is so warm too it's almost disturbing. We saw a sea turtle!! It was by Nasim, Jason, and Bobby and so Bradley and I kayaked over to it. It was huge! Big and green and yellowish, it blew a lot of bubbles when it stopped swimming. Super cute. After the ocean we went back to the cabana where Jen, Kristen and Fred were hanging out. Apparently Tina and Amy were up top at the grotto bar (keep in mind it's like 12pm at this point) and Chris, Jimmy, and Seth went to some cafe within the hotel (I actually didn't know we're Olivia and Carrie were at this point in time). So the 8 of us (Jen, Bradley, Nasim, Bobby, Jason, Kristen, Fred and I) went into the underwater elevator and road down all the slides! We stopped for a second to say hi to Amy and Tina and to go Into the jacuzzi but after we finished riding the slides we chilled on the lazy river and went back into the jacuzzi. Bradley, Jen, Kristen, and Fred went to go up to the bar with the three ladies and Bobby, Jason, Nasim and I went on the big waterside and then went back to the super cabana where Olivia, Carrie and Jimmy were. Oh my god, there's this girl at the resort with the words "white girl" tattooed on the back of her thighs in cursive...Jen and Fred saw it, I have yet to see the legend of white girl but I hope to soon.

We spent most of the day going between the cabana and the ocean and it was absolute bliss. Around four most of us headed back to the rooms to change and shower. At 5:45pm Bobby and I went down to dinner at humuhumunukunukuapua'a (I swear that's the name of the restaurant) and there was Jason and Nasim feeding the fishes, Fred, Kristen, Jen, Bradley, Seth, and Chris having drinks at the bar and Bobby and I just walking around the place aimlessly. I grabbed Bradley at one point and we walked around and looked at the fish. T'was a lot of fun. Very serene. Then all of us got together at this big giant table-ate FANTASTIC food and left. Although 7 of us (that were a little tipsy) decided to go look for the super moon...we could find it. So Carrie, Chris, Jen, Jimmy, Amy, Kristen and I headed back to ours rooms and went straight to bed.

Bradley at dinner:

A perfect day :)